10 Minutes Later

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My son has hair. LOTS of hair. Hair that curls and goes every which way (cowlicks galore). But at the same time he has a Superman curl and a natural part.

 But at the same time he has a Superman curl and a natural part

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This was taken a week or so ago... Notice how long it is. He hates having it cut, but when we do cut it we do it SHORT!

But when he wakes up... his hair is more like this:

 his hair is more like this:

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That was the hair shorter... 

Now he wakes up with this perpetual knot in the same place (left side of the back of his head) that takes 10 minutes, a ton of detangler, and a detangling hairbrush to get out.

I was impressed with myself this morning that I was able to get the knot out. Before we left for school. :) But then we get to school and it is 43* and I have him dressed in shorts. 

Mom fail.

Hoping your Tuesday is less of a Monday than mine is.

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