I am just throwing this out there

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My husband has said nothing about my hair....

Not the best picture, you can't really tell how red it is. Just think Bonnie Wright (Ginny) haircolor.

Please ignore the lack of makeup and the non-lack of zits

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Please ignore the lack of makeup and the non-lack of zits.

And tomorrow he leaves for 7 days (small party on my part, but at the same time I'm pissed because he does this annually, leaving me alone to manage the house and kids and everything.). Last trip, I ended up in the hospital... bad time.

But he is obtuse. He has done nothing but watch sports for the past few days.

Oh and ask if I am taking another 'late night roadtrip'. 🙄 I know he thinks I'm cheating on him...

No the next roadtrip I plan on doing is later in January. I want to go to a vintage flea market.

Part of me feels like I should cheat on him. I can't tell you how many YEARS it has been since we have had sex.

Yeah you read that right.


This is something I posted in a friends group... most of them I have known for years and they know the crap I've gone through. Everything from the financial problems we are having is my fault because of my medical bills and I am not working, to just his not being there.

When do you just give up?
I have a roommate, not a husband and not even a roommate with benefits. All we do is fight, if I even care to try.
He is turning into the biggest bigoted jerk I know. And getting worse. Everything he blames on "Mexicans" or whatever group.
I just want to be gone. On NYE I took a 5 hour drive because I knew what would happen if I went home after the debit card fell out of my purse (we found it, but still). I was shaking so scared isn't the right word...
But I realized I haven't done anything, gone anywhere, really talked to anyone in a year. He is horribly jealous of any friends I have or anything I do for me (like when I lost weight).
I just feel so alone in the world right now. I just want to give up on this "marriage" and hell life half the time.  

He can't even be considered a roommate. Tonight he bitched at me for something he never told me he wanted done, but he thought it so I was supposed to know it.

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