Dark place calling me

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I have gone to the dark side. The side of the house that I stay away from almost entirely.  The only time that I go to the dark side is when birthday/anniversary/Christmas comes around. 

My husband lives in the Star Wars fandom.

We both have 'Revenge of the Sith' t-shirts from the San Diego International Comic-Con that they revealed the name. And yes, we go to that Comic Con annually. The Comic Con that Big Bang Theory has had episodes on. The Comic Con that Conan O'Brien goes to (and covers all of public transportation with his orange bobble heads).

Yeah we are a family of fandoms. But the Star Wars fandom is like fingernails on chalkboard to me. I never like Star Wars. And I have a husband that is upset that neither our son, nor I like Star Wars.

He's such a momma's boy. 

But then again, he doesn't understand my Harry Potter references except "You're a wizard, Harry." Which still is more than he can tell you about any of the Star Wars movies. But I have time with him... Just over 2 years he'll receive his Hogwarts letter, like his brother before him.

I still owe him this for his birthday next year (and yes it comes in his size not just infants):

I still owe him this for his birthday next year (and yes it comes in his size not just infants):

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I digress. My apologies.

But I started writing this morning. Only have done the prologue and two chapters so far. But it is a dark Harry Potter AU (Voldy wins) with f&cking Star Wars references. 

Hey my husband might actually read something I wrote...

I guess it is what happens when I listen to meditation for remembering your dreams while I slept last night.

So now off to drinky drink. And maybe order the shirt for my little one.

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