I Miss LA

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I live in Southern California. Lived in LA, Orange, Riverside, and San Diego Counties. I am only missing a few counties that I haven't lived in and none have I not driven through a dozen or more times.

Hell, I've lived no where other than Southern California. 

And I realized today, that I am the first generation on my dad's side not to be born in Georgia. That right there is messed up. We go back to the founding of the Georgia Colony, and only in the 1970s - almost 200 years after the founding of the country - did a family member be born outside the state.

Needless to say, my family is not fond of moving.

But I was born in "Beautiful Downtown Burbank" (thank you to the irreplaceable Johnny Carson for that line - someone my dad would see and talk to regularly) and it was only a few blocks away from where the Tonight Show was filmed.

I lived there 11 years. 

I usually go back at least once or twice a year.

Last year, I didn't go north of Interstate 8 (in San Diego County) except 5 times, all doctors appointments or a surgery.

Last night/this morning I took a much needed road trip. 300 miles +/- up to Los Angeles County. No New Years parties for me. Not even a really decent dinner (Panda Express does not count as a decent dinner). But I got a new outfit, something comfortable and inexpensive, did my makeup and somewhat my hair, and drove. I decided if I was going to stop anywhere, I probably should look decent and not like a homeless person.

It felt good. Other than Orange County... don't get me started on all the 'no' involved there. My mind was cleared, I screamed songs out and no one complained, I felt better. I stepped out in Venice Beach. I don't know why, but the ocean calls to me always. I didn't stay long, it wasn't my thing. It was just long enough to stand and stretch and look around quickly.

I'm going back. Soon. Next time husband takes the boy to see his parents, I'm going. I need that break. I also want to use it to sit down and write my own work. Something that is as vague as a fog overcasting the coast.

It gave me some inspiration. It made me feel alive.

I don't know why, but only Los Angeles does that.

I miss LA...

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