Chapter 21

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As I suspected, I received more awkward stares from basically everyone I passed in the hall. Even teachers. What kind of school is this?? A place where teachers were afraid of their own students..

I went to my locker and started putting things in, getting myself situated. As I was finishing up, I heard a low toned voice address me.

"hey you." A blonde with sunglasses approached me. "socio."

"Before you let 2hiit 2pew from your rubber 2pout, can you plea2e explaiin two me why iit ii2 exactly you're calliing me '2ociio'? "

"it's all over twitter dude."

"Twiitter? O-"

"oh that's right," he cut me off, "you've been locked up all these years, you don't even know what twitter is."

"Lii2ten a22hole, iim not 2tupiid. ii know what twiitter ii2, ii ju2t choo2e not two u2e iit."

Some people heard us talking and started to circle around us.

"ooo defensive are we?" Dave slipped his hands into his pockets.

"Defen2iive? You and god know2 who el2e ii2 calliing me a 2ociiopath on 2ociial mediia. Of cour2e ii'm goiing two be defen2iive."

"calm down four eyes. you're taking this the wrong way."

"There ii2 a riight way two take 2omethiing liike thii2? And diid you 2eriiou2ly ju2t call me four eye2? What are you twelve?"

"no, but weren't you when you were locked up?"

There was a coo of "oooos" throughout the hall.

"No ii wa2nt. And for your iinformatiion, my pa2t ha2 nothiing two do wiith the pre2ent. Are you okay wiith that?" I snapped.

"well actually what you did in the past does effect the present. isn't that right, aradia?"

I froze when he said that name. A girl walked over to us... Short, ram horned... my eyes widened slowly. "what..."

Dave chuckled. "your face is priceless dude!"

The Aradia look alike took off their horns and wig. They revealed them self to really be a human boy, dressed as her. The two boys high-fived and laughed.

A void formed in my chest. My fists were clenched and my psionics were flared now. "you 2on of a biitch... you thiink thii2 2ome kiind of a joke? What kiind of 2iick ba2tard2 are you??"

Their laughing ceased and they stared at me. "dude it was just a prank..." the black haired boy stated as he put his glasses on over his grey painted face.

"HEY WHAT THE HELLS GOING ON OVER HERE?" Karkat pushed his way through the small crowd that formed in the hall. He noticed me first, then the other two. "OH WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?? JOHN, WHY ARE YOU DRESSED LIKE THA..." He paused. "OH MY GOD..."

"You two can go fuck your2elf2." I slammed my locker shut and used my psionics to push people aside to make a pathway to leave. I walked right out of the school, and headed into town.

Sometimes I wonder if it was a good idea to have let me stay alive after what had happened all those years ago.

InsaneStuck [Sollux x Karkat]Where stories live. Discover now