Chater 1

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Here's a little story I decided to make up because why the fuck not? I got bored as hell in my math class and came up with the basic plot to this.

This isn't humanstuck, just putting it out there. YES THEY HAVE PARENTS, DEAL WITH IT!

The characters are going to be occ. "Out Of Character". It just plays along with the story sooo don't judge me. I do what I want :p

Trigger warnings include: Violence, Suicidal thoughts, Insanity, Blood, Death, and any other trigger Kankri can think of to define this.



Aradia and I were playing on the swings. I smiled at her and she smiled back. We played a game to see who could swing the highest and who could jump off the farthest. A typical day for us two siblings at the park.

I pumped my legs to get higher. I looked over at her occasionally to see how she was doing. I tried to catch up. Though we are twins, she always seemed to best me in physical activaties. I brushed this off and kept trying anyway.

"y0u'll never catch up s0llux! 0u0"

"That2 what you thiink!" I finally some how managed to gather the last of my physical strength and actually passed her. In these sorts of things, I usually leave my special psionic power out of it. It's an unfair advantage.

Our parents, who were at the picnic tables across the playground, were making our lunch.

"Aradia! Sollux! Time for lunch!" Our mother called out to us.

"let's g0 s0llux!!" Aradia hopped off her swing and started to run, her long black hair flowing behind her. I followed almost immediately.

InsaneStuck [Sollux x Karkat]Where stories live. Discover now