Clive Dove x Reader

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Fun fact: I'm replaying Diabolical Box right now. Granted, it's not Unwound Future (I think it's Lost Future in the UK, I'm not entirely sure, though) but I thought I'd mention it. Here's a random, and not really Layton-related question, but did you guys ever play a game called Imagine: Detective? It's a DS game that came out in 2009, and I have vivid memories of playing it that my brain only recently decided to bring up. It's only like five dollars online, so I'm considering buying it. Anyway. Story. I debated having the same theme as last chapter, with you in the same roll, but that felt too lazy for my tastes, so I decided on the childhood friend trope. I don't think I've used that before, unless the Luke Triton x Reader I did counts. Also this one has Dimitri in it, so you know. Happy reading!

2nd Person POV

"Clive, wake up!" You yelled, bursting into his room, "You have to wake up right now." 

He rolled over with a grunt, disbelieving of your panic, "What is it...?" 

"This isn't a drill, Clive, I mean it." You rushed over to pull him out of bed, "Your 'partner' is at the door and everything is out."


"Everything is out." You were speaking, of course, of the countless diagrams and plans of Clive's true revenge. No end to the scrap paper, blueprints, cocktail napkins, and scrawling handwriting.  

He speedily, and groggily scrambles up with bed head as he shouts orders like you're a maid instead of his closest friend, "Gather all of the blueprints and put them under my bed! Papers can be shoved in the filing cabinet, and it doesn't matter how messy they are! Anything else can be scattered and burned for all I care, just make it out of sight!" There's a noticeable lack in manners.

"Great, now all you have to say-"


With a content smile, you rush away to clean, then go to open the door. You hope Clive is ready when Dimitri comes into his living room. 

"Sorry for the wait," You chuckle a dinner party chuckle, "Clive's just waking up, is all. Have to make sure he's up, you know." You gesture at one of the lone chairs, "Sit, please. He should be out soon."

"Of course." 

You sat in a couch across from him and took a moment to analyse his face. His usual stoic expression. No extra creases in the cheeks--a sign of a set jaw, which implies frustration--humans are creatures of habit, and there was nothing odd about the way he sat. No fidgeting or unnatural shifts. Not a drumming of fingers, twitchy leg, or any other signs of regret or nervousness. There was a calm in his eyes. No sign of a grueling or lagging pace.  

Yes, everything was as it was meant to be. 

Psychology was your field of study. Both an interest of yours and how you were the biggest help to Clive. Blissfully unaware of the stories that could be seen in a person's face. Right away you saw just how little this man knew what was going on behind the scenes. 

Clive stepped out of his room, looking spiffy as ever. Looking, in fact, like the spitting image of his role, future Luke Triton. He spins, a confident look on his face.

Not a problem, here. It says, cunning. I'm trustworthy, and here for the same reason you are

Blatant lies.

Trained blatant lies, actually. Your own work and your proudest achievement. Teaching Clive to lie with his body language. 

Clive takes a seat next to you, "How do I look, doctor?" 

"Absolutely spiffing! I don't have to go over tomorrow's events for you, right?" 

Ah, yes, tomorrow. When the entire plan would unfold, including the one of you and Clive's own devising. You didn't let the twitch of a smile creep onto your face, instead, you crossed your legs and leaned against the arm of the couch, as you did every meeting, "Of course not, doctor." You said, keeping almost patronizingly polite. 

"I wasn't asking you." Dimitri says, throwing you for a loop. You had seen the stress in the new sprigs of white hair, renewed darkness under his eyes, and impatient angle of the head, but that was so passive-aggressive, it was almost straight up aggressive. 

You resolve to shut your mouth, but Clive, also throwing you for a loop, does the opposite. "Excuse you?"

"I said, I don't have to go over tomorrow's events for you, right?" He repeats the initial question.

"No. What did you say to her?" There was passion in his eyes, a passion that you had only seen a couple times. A passion that he felt whenever he looked at you.

"I said, I wasn't asking her. Because I wasn't. This is a very important plan that she is not a part of." 

"I don't care if she isn't a part of the plan, you don't talk to her like that." There was something dangerous in his eyes as he stared Dimitri down.

Dimitri stared back for a challenging moment, then stood, glared at you passively, "As you don't need a review, I'll see you tomorrow." Then he left. 

Clive sighed.

"Sorry," You said, "I probably should have just kept my mouth shut. Thank you, though." 

"No, that guy's just..." He didn't finish.

You stood and matched his gaze, observed him as a friend, then as a subject, he was angry, but his gaze softened, and his pupils dilated as he looked down at you. A sign of... affection. 

What did your eyes look like? Were you a dead giveaway, too?

"Clive..." You muttered, "You, uh..." Just staring at him, it left you breathless and speechless. 

"What is it...?" His voice was so soft. You had heard it like that a lot, but other people didn't. He was never soft with anyone else but you.

"It's..." It's your eyes, you wanted to say, then hesitated and started over, "I think..." You stopped, you didn't want to say it. You were too scared to say it.

I think I love you. As more than a friend. More than anything.

"You can tell me anything, you know." He urged, because if you didn't say it, he was going to, and he might die of a panic attack if he tried. 

"Clive, I..." I think I love you. I think I love you. I think I love you. No. That was wrong, "I love you." You knew you loved him. 

Like you were made of glass, he lightly touched your cheek, "May I-" 

You didn't even give him the chance to finish the sentence, you just kissed him. When you pulled back, he stared at you with nothing but love. 

"So, we're totally owning Dimitri, right?" You asked, rhetorically, of course. 

"Oh, obviously." 

"God, I love you."

He kissed you again, then, "Love you, too."

This one was requested by the amazing and incredibly sweet Nintendogirl123, she has an ongoing Luke Triton x OC fic, and it's really good, so, you know, you should definitely check it out. She's a good writer and just a cool person, so what more of a reason do you need? Okay, so about the ending of this one. I didn't expect it to be this sweet, I guess, but I like it, so I kept it. I hope everyone enjoyed. As always, if you want to request, DM me or comment.

Also, just a quick sidenote before I sign off, but I'm doing a fully dedicated Layton x Reader, if you didn't know, so if that interests you, check it out, after you check out Nintendogirl123's, of course.


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