Randy Cunningham x Shy! Reader

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Picture by: omgwtfneo 
Find them here: http://omgwtfneo.tumblr.com/

I genuinely can't believe someone requested another Cunningham x Reader. I love it. I love this fandom so fucking much and I don't think I could pry myself out of it if I tried. Seriously. If you've never watched the show before, I highly recommend it. 
Oh yeah, the premise for this fanfic. Okay, so, in the beginning, you don't know Randy as much more than an interesting guy that you want to hang out with, but you're super shy and it just kind of escalates from there. Also, I have just a bit of a vendetta against Theresa, so, you know, warning.

(A/N/N) = Annoying Nickname)

You catch yourself staring at him from across the lunch room again. He seems to be caught up in conversation with his best friend, gesturing wildly. You try to focus back on your book. You can only get past a few chapters before the book is plucked from your hands. You look up to see Theresa. The number one Cunningham fangirl and everyone knows it. You reach for the book as it's raised high over your head from the sitting position you're in. 

"What'cha reading, (A/N/N)?" She asks patronizingly.

You wish you were bold enough to yell the words, 'none of your business' right in her smug face, but instead you just give her silence.

She keeps talking like she just adores the sound of her own voice, "No answer, hm?" She looks at the cover, "Goddesses. Sounds boring. But I guess I'll just have to keep it if I want to find out." She begins to walk away, tucking the book close to her chest.

You stand and try to reach out for her, although you don't dare touch her, "Wait...!" There's a sense of true defeat in your voice. 

"Oh! So she does speak!" When she turns back to you, her smile is dangerously sweet, "I don't like it." 

"W-Well, uh, you see, that's... er, the book is from the library, so, you know, I-I need to return it. So you can't-" 

She cuts you off with a dry laugh, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were in charge here." She looks you over once more, "Fine." She places the thick book on the ground and kicks it across the cafeteria and out the door, just as Randy and Howard are leaving, too. The book stops just behind them, "Go get it." She laughs as you rush to sling your backpack over your shoulder and run after it. Randy and Howard have disappeared from sight by the time you get over there.

You let out the smallest of sighs once you crouch down to pick up the book. You decide you should bring it back to the library. You're not done with it, but if you keep carrying it around at school, it'll eventually be destroyed. Just like the other one.

"Hey Mr. H." You greet the librarian with a soft voice. 

"Y/N. Did you finish that book already?" Mr. H asks in his normally mellow tone.

You don't want to lie to him, but you also don't want to tell him the truth, so you lie to him, "I'm... kind of in a reading slump right now. I'll have to finish it when I'm not." You slide the book onto the counter.

Mr. H has always been super cool towards you. He's really the only person you feel like you can talk to at school.

"No problem. Tell you what, I'll, like, keep it in reserve for when you want to read it again." He says, taking the book from the counter and checking it back into the library system. 

You smile at him, "Thanks. I'm going to go sit in the back, tell me if you want me to do some work."

You duck back towards your perfect table, the one in the corner, hiding behind a bookshelf. Except it's occupied and you feel exposed and self-conscious as the one and only Howard Weinerman looks up from his phone at you. Randy is sleeping inside the pages of a book. One you've never seen before.

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