King Dice x Reader

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Hello! Long time, no? I'm back with a love for the game Cuphead, with its quirky style and characters, and I got a story request from CountIsAPotato for a King Dice x Reader, so I figured, why not? Also since the theme for this game is anthropomorphic versions of common household items or mythical creatures, I have decided to make the reader a siren. If you don't know what a siren is, they're basically sea creatures that sing to sailors in order to lure them in. And kill them. Except you don't kill anybody in this. Apologies. Anyway, happy reading!

You leaned forward and indulged in your drink a bit more, the only one sitting at the bar. You were tipsy after slow drinking for a bit, and your third blood red martini sat in a gelatin-like still. Your nails clattered rhythmically against the fine wood.

"Look at you sitting pretty." The man says, approaching you with a know-it-all smirk and confidence in his stride.

"Keep moving, buddy." You dodge, forcing yourself to ignore his expensive-looking purple suit.

"Why not try your luck with some craps? Or roulette, perhaps. Who knows? You could be the next big winner." You can feel the shadiness in his voice. He reeked of alcohol, sweet smoke, and fancy cologne.

"Sorry, man, gambling just isn't my thing." You make a point of not looking at him as you sip your drink.

"Then why come to my fine establishment?" He sits next to you, raising his fingers and signaling to the barman.

You lift your glass, "To drink, of course. Why else if not gambling?" Then you stop, run over his words in your head as the barman hands him a short glass of fine looking whiskey, "Your establishment? You look more die than devil to me, bucko."

"Even casinos need management, toots."

Toots. The sparkly (F/C) dress you were wearing suddenly felt too revealing. You tugged up at the neckline.

"So what's the casino manager's name?" You ask, then try to take a smug sip of your drink, only to realize that your glass is empty.

"Another one for the girl." He points in front of you and the barman takes your glass, "Most call me King Dice."

"Yeah? Well, thanks for the drink." You take advantage of the new glass and take a sip, "I'm (Y/N), by the way."

"Nice to make your acquaintance." He offers you his hand, presumably to shake, but when you return the gesture, he kisses your hand. Against your own free will, you find yourself blushing.

"H-How brash," You comment, but a warm feeling spreads through your body, "You sure you're a manager?"

"As sure as my salary."

You look him up and down. He does look like he just inhales money and blows his nose in dollar bills.

"How does one become the manager of the Devil's Casino?" You ask, lazily dragging your finger around the rim of your glass.

"It takes someone devious and willing enough to work for the devil." He twists the ends of his stache and smirks.

You smirk right back, "Oh?" Something changes in your eyes, "Like what?" Curious as to what secrets this man holds.

"Sorry, ma'am, but I've dawdled too long, I need to go back to moderating the craps game." He takes a long step away, "Nice meeting you."

"But your... drink..." You glance over to see that he had somehow finished it, even though you never saw him take a sip. A master conversationalist, that one. You stood, a drunken sway in your movement.

Craps, was that what he said? Gambling wasn't your thing, like you had said, but just a little couldn't hurt.

You went to purchase a few chips, and didn't allow yourself to be swindled into buying more than you needed.

You waited until the current game was done, then you pushed yourself into a spot next to King Dice, not looking at him as you threw your own chips into the slowly accumulating pile around the edge of the board.

"Ah, Ms. (Y/N) how good of you to join us."

Was this his plot all along? To string you along and lure you to the craps table, well, you wouldn't-

Snake eyes. You rolled snake eyes.

"My money now, eh?" You collect double what you bet--only thirty bucks--which makes for an okay payout.

Alright, maybe this gambling thing isn't as bad as you remember it.

"Will you be playing again?" King Dice asks.

"I, uh..." You stutter, drunkenness buffering as his words slosh through your head, "...sure, what's the harm?"

"Be careful there, toots. You might be flying a bit too close to the sun."


There's a danger in his voice.

You like it.

You throw down your winnings on the table, hoping to provoke something from him. Something flashes in his eyes, and he purses his lips, but he says nothing.

You take the first roll, and win once again. And so you bet again. And win again. Over and over. And now it's late.

"I'd best be getting home." King Dice says. You hadn't particularly noticed that he was there, but now that he's stepped away, you miss his presence.

"Oh? Well..." Your mind urges you to come up with something, "...Well, I was thinking the same thing."



Sure it was suspicious, but you were... well, let's say intrigued with this man. You walked alongside him, suddenly wishing you had a pipe. He opened the door and let you through, gentleman he wasn't. The chilly night air swept through you and you shivered. King Dice paid you no mind.

"My car's that way." He said, pointing right.

"Really? Mine, too." You don't own a car. 

"Oh? Would you mind leaving it here tonight? Because I've got a feeling we're going to be spending a lot of time together." He says, extending his hand to you.

You take it, "A casino manager's got to have a fancy house, right?" 

He leads you to a shiny car, "Most definitely." 

He opens the door for you and you sit.

Then, before closing the door, he gives you a kiss.

Hello, hello! So, this took so much longer than it should have and I am so sorry. Life just kind of came out of nowhere, but I was finally able to finish, and I just want to apologize for how long this took. So, I am sorry. I know I said that it would take awhile, but when I said 'awhile' I meant a week, maybe a week and a half, and it ended up being a month. Anyway, please leave requests, I'll try to get to them and finish them as soon as I can, hopefully without something like this happening again, but I hope that the person who requested this enjoyed it, as well as anyone else reading it. Until next time.


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