Desmond Sycamore x Reader

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Hiiiii... haha, so, yeah, it's been quite a while but I've been playing Azran Legacy and it's pretty good and I'll be honest I'm not done with it yet but I think Sycamore is super cute so here we are. This was just an idea I had and I've been having a bit of writers block recently, so hopefully this turns out decent. Also, I've just been looking through comments and things, and I just want to say thank you to anyone and everyone who is reading my stories and voting and commenting, it really just brightens my day to see, even one or two years later. So, as always, Happy Reading!

You lounged against the lush sofas of the Bostonius, petting the soft kitty who held puzzles for the professors and company. You were grateful for everything that the Bostonius offered, for Raymond and all his kindness, but mostly for the professor. That is, Professor Sycamore. You were an old friend of Layton's, going so far back that you had adopted each other's mannerisms, most people mistook you for cousins rather than friends. You tagged along on his newest expedition simply because it was always your dream to travel the world. You didn't know a thing about the Azran people or any of the ancient keys that the professors seemed so concerned with. You preferred to come and go as you pleased, occasionally bumping into the crew along the way, trying your best to engage with Sycamore as much as you could. 

It was his hair that did it for you at first. You had always liked men with longer hair, something about the smoothness of it, being able to run your hands through it, and he had these sharp, stern eyes that demanded your attention, a posh accent that made you think he was some sort of rich. Then there was the stuffiness of his personality. Normally that sort of thing would bother you, but here there was something different about it, like he had this ability to be stuffy while still accepting the goofier side of you. A ying and yang balance, if there ever was one. And now, you laid in the plush seats, waiting for the crew to return so you could just see him again. 

You jumped back and forth between denial and acceptance when it came to your feelings. One moment you would be head over heels, and the next you would be wondering whether or not it would even work out. Of course, every time you saw him he changed your mind. 

A door opened, then shut, and a single pair of footsteps found their way into the hub of the Bostonius. You looked over to see Desmond himself, looking particularly annoyed. He took his glasses off of his face and rubbed his forehead, muttering something under his breath. 

You sat up, and the cat jumped off of your chest, "Are you alright?" 

Desmond paused, shocked, then looked at you, "I... sorry I didn't see you there." He said, "Yes, I'm quite alright." 

You stood and approached him, resting a hand on his shoulder, "I don't believe you." You said plainly, "C'mon, sit with me, I'll make some tea and we can talk about it." 

"No, really, I-"

"Nonsense. Sit." 

He sighed and gave me a soft smile, "Alright, fine." 

"Yay!" You celebrated, leading him over to the couch, "Stay here and cool off a bit, I'll be back with some tea." 

You went off to the kitchen to boil some water and prepare a tray, and Sycamore let his body go limp on the couch as he thought. That was what he liked about you. You could always tell when something was wrong, and, more importantly, you always knew how to make it at least a little bit better. You knew that all he needed was some tea and a little talk to calm his nerves, you knew to give him some space, you knew all the right buttons to press. It was no wonder, he thought, that Layton had kept you around for so long. He wasn't quite sure why, but just thinking about you had him more relaxed already. 

You began pouring tea into the elegant kettle, making use of the beautiful china that Sycamore kept around his airship. You chose a plain set, with frilled edges and pastel flowers sprouting from the base of the cups and the kettle. The saucers were delicate and tiny, with colored baby's breath dotting the outer rim. You put the finishing touches on the tray with a small pitcher of cream and a bowl of sugar cubes, probably more for yourself than for Desmond. Making your way out, you sat next to him, and placed the tray on the table in front of you. 

"I wasn't sure if you like cream and sugar, or how much you would like, so I just laid it all out." You said. 

He smiled again, that beautiful soft smile, "Thank you, this is really kind of you." 

"Of course, Professor Sycamore." 

"Please, call me Desmond."

"Alright then, what's got you down, Desmond?" You began pouring tea for the both of you, a decadent earl grey.

"I just... I feel like nobody ever takes me seriously, or acknowledges that people aren't taking me seriously enough." He poured a splash of cream into the cup, then stirred in a single sugar cube, "Everyone in this town thinks I'm an utter joke, and yet I'm still the least humorous one here."

As much as you hated to admit, it was true. In Phong Ji, the residents thought that Desmond was just and unfunny weirdo with curly hair, and from what you had gathered, no one seemed to be sympathetic toward his plight. You gave him a pat on the back. 

"Aw, Desmond. I think you're funny. And I like your hair much better than the mushroom hairstyles that are going on over here." You cracked a smile, then put your fingers in his hair, lifting it, "Of course, we could always go for that hairstyle, if you like," you gathered it at the top of his head, "I've got some hairspray." 

He let out a quick breath from his nose, just the smallest of laughs, but it's a start, "You shouldn't take these people too seriously." You said, "Hey, if it's any consolation, I like you plenty." 

He fidgeted and took a sip of his tea, "Thanks, I like you too." 

Your heart skipped a beat, and you leaned back, taking a sip. He followed your lead and closed his eyes. You placed your saucer on the table, reached out a hand toward him, and began running your fingers through his soft hair. He sighed and started leaning into me. You let him. At some point we were just laying there together, and you felt utter bliss. He took off his glasses, and you could see the soft tan lines along his temples, and you just wanted to... 

"Can I kiss your forehead?" You blurted before you could stop yourself. Sycamore didn't even flinch, just hummed in agreement and sunk further into your chest.

You leaned forward and planted a single kiss on the top of his head, and both of you, more than ever, were at peace. You pet his head until he drifted off into sleep, and then you did the same. 

You woke up to the sound of a camera shutter. 

This one was more fluffy than anything but I had fun with it so it's fine, hopefully. Once again, you all are amazing. And Sycamore is cute. Aaaaand request x readers from me, even if it's from a fandom you've never seen me write before, just ask! Chances are I just haven't gotten the chance to write for it yet :). Anyone can dm me or comment at any time, so don't be shy! Once again, thank you all, and have a nice day/night.


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