Alfendi Layton x Reader

948 16 3

Guess who's back? Back again. Me! This one was a fun request to get because I actually really like this character. Although, I haven't really been paying attention to this game in awhile, so it'll be fun to look back into.

2nd Person POV

You look over at his sleeping form, taking note of his wine-colored hair and smooth skin. You work alongside him--and Lucy, for the past year--to help solve cases for the intelligent detective. He passed out after one of his... episodes. 

Yes, Potty Prof. is one of the uglier sides of him, but a part of him you liked all the same. He was still Alfendi to you, and that would never change. He seems to have calmed down, judging from the change in his hair color. Earlier you had brought in some tea, just in case he woke up soon, but it had been an hour and his tea was cold now. Yours is gone. You were starting to worry. Just to be sure, you checked his pulse, again, and held an ear over his mouth, just to make sure that he was breathing properly. You looked out the window. The sunset was just ending, what was recently a plethora of beautiful, shining colors, is now only a sliver of sky, being engulfed by the pretty, glittering blue of nighttime. The moon isn't quite full, but it probably will be tomorrow. 

The office is closed, but the doorknob shakes. 

"Who is it?" You ask, loud enough that you can be heard through the thin walls.

"Y/N? Are you still there? It's me, Lucy!" You stand and start towards the door, "I left my coat in there and it's freezing out!" 

You swing it open and see Lucy, her hair slightly disheveled below her cap. You let her in.

"You've been staying here the whole time, Y/N?" Lucy asks as she begins a search for her coat, "You know, the Prof'll really appreciate that." 

You chuckle, "I mean, I guess." You've never really told Lucy about your feelings for Alfendi, but you had a hunch that she knew.

She stops and raises an eyebrow at you, "You do have a thing for the Prof., right?" Oh, yeah, she definitely knew.

You clear your throat and begin distracting yourself by searching for her coat as well, just so you don't have to look at her as you answer, "Y-Yeah..." You spot a splotch of dark green from a few feet away. You take a few steps to the right and pluck it off of the chair.

"Oooo! I knew it! I knew you had the hots for the Prof.!" She exclaims, much louder than she should, in your opinion.

"Shh!" You hiss, then playfully throw the coat at her, it lands on her shoulders and slides to the ground, the buttons clacking against the hard wood, "Not so loud." 

"But I knew it." She whispers triumphantly as she stoops over to pick up her coat. She looks back up at you with a smile, starting to pull her arms through the sleeves. "You should tell him."

"What? No way." You insist.

Lucy finishes buttoning up her jacket and walks across the room and to the door, "I dunno, you might be surprised." She slides out the door frame, "See you tomorrow." She closes the door, and you can hear faint footsteps leaving.

"What'd be surprising about a big, fat, no?" You mutter to yourself.

"She's right, you know. You might be surprised." You jump when Alfendi speaks.

"A-Al." You stutter, hoping he didn't hear a word either of you just said, "H-How... How long have you been awake?" 

"Long enough." He slowly sits up from the sofa, "So, you have 'the hots' for me, huh?"

"What? I-I... no. Well, you're like a friend to me sure-but, you know, I-I couldn't say that-that I like you more than that. Ahem, I mean, unless you maybe felt the same way? B-But of course you don't, a-and you're up now, right? And I trust you to take care of yourself, and get yourself home and all that." As you're babbling, you're gathering all of your things and getting ready to leave, "W-Well, I'm glad you're okay, so I'll just make my way back to my flat."

"Wait." His voice is flat, it makes you gulp and you can feel the chill of sweat starting to drip from your pores, "You're such a dead giveaway. I can't believe I didn't see it before." 

Your mouth is dry, and you make nervous fists with your clammy hands, "See what before?"

"Oh, don't play dumb!" His hair fluctuates between maroon and wine-purple, "That you love me."

He caught you, and there was no point in fighting until the very end. You sigh, "You're right." You admit. "Yeah. I... love you. All of you. Potty or Placid. Good or bad or somewhere in between, I don't care. I just... I love you." You let out a huff of breath, "And now things are going to be awkward between us. So I'm just going to go." You place your hand on the door knob, only to be stopped by Alfendi.

"Don't move!" His voice is harsh, it startles you, you turn to him, and his hard expression softens, "I mean... Please, stay." the colors have mixed, creating a weirdly bright purple. Not so bright that it pops, but bright enough to look unnatural, "I love you, too." He forces it out like it's water filling his lungs, but you can tell he means it.

You smile and laugh, and break down there, right in the middle of the Mystery Room. Letting your stuff fall to the floor as you cry-laugh. This moment was so much more stressful than you ever thought it would be in your daydreams. Alfendi slowly stands and helps you up. 

You cling to him like you're never going to see him again.

Like the last one shot, this one was requested by @RequiemOfAngels 

I had fun writing this one, even if I'm posting it late-ish at nighttime. This one wasn't nearly as dramatic as the last, though so I'm not sure if you guys like it as much. By the way, I was fucking elated when I woke up this morning and my Descole x Reader had three votes already. Like, fireworks were going off in my mind. I freaking love you guys. Requests are still open so, you know, just comment or drop by my inbox if you want to ask for a one shot. Or just talk. That's always an option.


EDIT: I just realized that since I posted the last chapter around midnight, I've technically posted two chapters in one day.

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