Randall Ascot x Reader

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I found this picture here: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/363876844863197680

A/N: A bit of background on this one, I've been trying to write, but not really able to properly convey what I want. So, writer's block. Or something like that. I sort of find this as practice, but I'm hoping I can get over this soon. Also, this takes place in the past, before Hershel and Randall go to the ruins. Basically, you're Angela. Just try not to think about what happens afterward.

2nd Person POV

You couldn't focus in class, and it was all because of him. He sat next to you, closer to the door, all of his attention on Mrs. Stevens, actively scrawling notes in messy handwriting. You could only glance at him occasionally, then try to concentrate, only for Mrs. Stevens to wipe the board, and you having retained nothing. Eventually you have to give up. Everything that's been taught from now on has to do with the past thirty minutes, or this past week. A blur in your mind that you can't for the life of you remember beyond barely decipherable notes given to you by him and Hershel.

Randall. Your crush. Or love. Or whatever was the least childish way of saying that you just wanted him to like you the same way you liked him. You slump in your seat and cup your face in your hand. Your heart is pounding and you can't help but look at him again. Blood rushes to your cheeks, you can feel the heat on your fingertips. You let the class pass you by. 

The bell rings after hours and hours. Or a half-hour. That sounds more right. 

When you stand up, the first thing you do is turn to him, packing his stuff, "Hey, Randall? Can I borrow your notes?" 

"What?" He laughs, "No. Yesterday was the last time. You need to learn to pay attention in class." He finishes putting all of his things into his bag and begins walking out of the class, you catch up with him and walk by his side. 

"I will pay attention! I just... didn't today." 

"Or last week. And the week before that. Your grades must be horrible." 

He was right, while not yet horrible, your grades were starting to drop, "They aren't. Yet." This wasn't a problem before you switched class times. You used to have this class just before lunch, but now you had it last. With Randall. 

"Yeah, yet. That's the problem. We have a test at the end of next week, and if you fail I might just have to tutor you." He ends with a joke. If he wasn't joking, you might just fail on purpose. You didn't want him to know how you felt about him, but at the same time, you just wanted the rejection so you could get back to having decent grades again. The two of you bump into Hershel, who is just leaving Mr. Collins' class. 

"Hershel!" You exclaim, preparing to ask for his notes, "You know Mrs. Stevens' class?"

"Hershel, say 'no' to what she's about to ask you." Randall interjects.

You ignore Randall, for once, "I need to borrow your notes." You give him your sweetest smile, "Please?"

Hershel gives Randall a weird look, "Of course you can borrow my notes." 

Randall rushes over to Hershel's side, and stops him from opening his bag, "I told you to say no! Y/N hasn't been taking notes or paying attention at all, and she needs to learn that she has to try in order to get good grades."

"Is that true?" Hershel looks worried.

"Randall needs to learn not to talk about people as if they're not right next to him." You sass, "And yes, Hershel, I'm not doing too well in class, that's why I need your notes."

"Don't give in, Hershel." Randall debates. 

Hershel just starts walking away, "I don't want to get in the middle of this. See you guys tomorrow." 

"Coward!" I call after him with a laugh, but I don't try to stop him as he walks out the front door.

"Don't listen to her! You did the right thing!" Randall yells.

"Would you like to walk a lady home?" You ask Randall, just hoping to spend more time with him.

"Sure." He holds his arm out to you, and you hook your arm with his. The two of you start off like you belong in the Wizard of Oz. Your house is on the way to his. 

When you two step out into the sunlight, you look at him. His red hair is glowing in the light, and his eyes are shining through fingerprinted glasses. His neck scarf that looks just a bit too tight. 

"Your glasses are filthy." You point out, reaching over to pluck them off of his face.

"Ah! No! I'm blind!" He proclaims dramatically, leaning on you until you almost fall, then standing back up straight. You begin cleaning his glasses, wiping the fingerprints, and fogging up the lenses, then wiping off the fog. Cleaning until they're clear. Then you slip the glasses over your own eyes. Your vision becomes fuzzy, everything is just shapes and blobs. Your eyes feel strained.

"Now we're both blind." You say, but don't take off the glasses. You know this small town like the back of your hand. You take a wrong turn on purpose, "Oh, dear! I seem to be so blind that I'm going to the park instead of my home!" You say in mock surprise, "It's too late to turn back now." You take off his glasses and put them back in their rightful place. Neither of you stop walking toward the park. 

Slowly, very slowly, so slow that you barely even notice, Randall drops his arm and fumbles with your fingers. You bow your head slightly, to try and hide your blush as your hands intertwine.

"Hey, uh... Y/N?" Randall says hesitantly, a new tone for him.

"Yes?" You look up at him to see that he's blushing, too.

"Well... uh..." His mouth hangs open for a moment, lacking words. Something else new. "Nevermind."

"No, tell me." 

"Y-You see... I... I really... sort of..." He's stammering, tripping over his own words.

"Spit it out! The anticipation is killing me!"

"I love you!" He blurts. Everything stops. He tries to correct himself and you're speechless, "I-I mean. Like you. I like you. B-But not as a friend. More than that. I think." He's like a dying engine, "I-It's fine if you don't like me the same way, b-but I want you to kno-"

"Shut up." You interrupt. He listens, and stares at you, "I... I lo-" You cut yourself off, "Like. I like you too. More than a friend. More than anything." Your face flushes, "W-Well... uh..." You mean to correct the 'more than anything' part, but then you give up, because it's true. 

"You... do?" he laughs, "You do!" He turns and holds you tight in a hug. You start laughing too.  

The two of you pull away with your arms still around each other. Randall leans down, and your foreheads touch.

He mutters, so only you can hear in the empty sidewalk, "Do you mind if I...?" He doesn't finish the question.

You kiss him. He kisses back.

A bit of a sudden ending, I know. Requested by @obsidian07 

Also, I'm open to requests right now, as my needy last chapter may have indicated.

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