Sycamore x Reader Fluff

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As per the request of @Cosplay_Cake (and my love for this adorable man) here's a fluffy little piece with Professor Sycamore. In this you two are already dating so no need for all of that nervous crush stuff, just pure fluff. Happy Reading!

You clutched the basket in your hands, giggling as you knocked on the door to Professor Sycamore's study, your summer dress swaying as you moved. 

"Come in!" You heard from beyond the oak, and a smile blessed your face just at the sound of his voice. You slowly opened the door, and peered in.

"Hey, darling," You said, then held the basket out so he could see it, "I brought you lunch." 

He grinned wide, the way he smiled only at you, "Come here," he stood up and started walking toward you, arms outstretched, you ran into his arms and felt your body lift of the ground as the two of you kissed, deep and sweet, "how're you doing, love?" 

You brushed your fingers through his hair, "Fantastic, now."

"You said you made lunch?" he motioned to the basket in your hands.

"Yes! Sandwiches and grapes and a little bit of wine, you know." You moved and sat down on the couch then cleared the table in front of you, then opened the basket. He moved next to you and squeezed your waist tight, bringing you closer to him as he pecked your cheek. You giggled and handed him a lovingly made sandwich, then leaned forward, out of his grasp, to pour two glasses of wine. He pouted, then began unwrapping his sandwich and took a bite. 

"Mmm..." He hummed, you handed him a glass, and he washed down the bite, "I love you." 

You blushed and sputtered, "I love you too!" Much louder than you should've, then took your own sandwich out of the basket, "Let's toast." 

"To what?" He asked.

You curled up close to him, "To us." Then you gave him a peck on the cheek, and he kissed you on the lips. The two of you laughed, then clinked glasses, took a sip. The two of you ate in a blissful half-silence, the only sounds between you being hums and giggles, seemingly for no reason, when the sandwiches were finished, Sycamore tried to feed you a grape, and you let him, "For you, my queen," He said. 

"And for you, my king," you plucked a grape and tossed it at his mouth, and even though he barely had time to react, he caught it anyway. You pumped your fists in the air and whooped, still chewing on your own grape, then poised yourself to throw another.

"Woah, wait, wait," but you threw it anyway, and he caught it, then spoke with a completely full mouth, "Ifs... ifs too muth."

You laughed and put another grape in your own mouth, "Poor baby." 

He swallowed, "Maybe." 

You pressed yourself into his chest, forcing the two of you to lay down, and you just rested there for a moment, listening to his heartbeat. Bum-bum, bum-bum... your eyes closed, and his hand began petting your head, moving your hair from your face and brushing your locks. 

"My beautiful woman..." he muttered, "Sweet love of mine..." 

You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck, making him look down at you as you turned your head up at him, "Amazing, handsome man of mine." 

And he brought his head down as you raised yours, and the two of you kissed as he held your waist, pulling you up, and you caressed his face, his fingers brushed though your hair, and yours brushed through his, and the two of you separated, came back together in a symphony of joy, like the space between your lips was a small slice of heaven that you were reaching toward. You could hear angel's hymns in your ears, and god blessed every touch. The two of you pulled away, and the sense of comfort and happiness left you at ease, almost drowsy. You became like putty in his hands as you sank back down into his chest, and both of you smiled wide, feeling a pounding sense of warmth that words could never describe. It was at this moment that the two of you knew: This was love. The lightness of your body and the slice of heaven in every touch, that had to be it, and you couldn't think of a better person to share it with. 

Hello again, this is the ending author's note here to tell you that I am not great at writing fluffy things, but I hope you guys liked it anyway. I know it's a little shorter than usual, but I like the point where I ended it, so I decided to keep it that way, hopefully you guys are still satisfied :). If you have any critiques just throw them my way, I would love to improve when it comes to the fluffier side of things, mostly just because it's not my usual wheelhouse. Once again, thank you to @Cosplay_Cake for the request, and everyone, please keep sending them my way, dm me any time, leave comments, or don't it's up to you! Love you all, and have a wonderful day!

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