"Today I don't want that." He zipped me back up. "Someone has stolen from me. I need you to make nice with the helps until you find out who did. If you find the thief, Bas moves in permanently and you can see him every day no restrictions."

I am surprised by the generous offer. Having my son with me is be all I need. But with Stefan every upside had a downside. He gives as much as he is willing to take away.

"And if I don't find the thief?"

"Then I'll shoot everyone in this house dead and I'll make you watch."

At least he isn't threatening to take my son away! I have never really watched anyone dying. It will traumatize me to watch several deaths.

"I'll do it. I'll find your thief."

He nodded, still infuriated but slightly less jumpy. He came up to me holding my face in his hands. "I was thinking, we've been together for ten months now. I think we should take the next step in our relationship."

I grew pale, hoping he won't say marriage. That will be like signing my death certificate. He left me in the middle of his office and marched up to his large desk. He opened a drawer and retrieved something. As soon as I saw the box, I froze. My worst nightmare is about to come true. 

"I would like to believe I've proved I have nothing but good intentions for you and Bas. I love you both. You know that right?"

"Yes... yes I do." I stammered slightly.

"Then it is out of that love for both of you that I think it's time we become a family. The three of us, we should be a family."

He got down on one knee and opened the small box revealing an impeccable diamond ring. It is huge. I am speechless.


"Naila Bellingerre, will you marry me?"

I hesitated, watching him keenly. I know Stefan hates to be kept waiting. If he senses my hesitation it will anger him. No isn't an answer he wants to hear but an immediate yes would equally make him distrustful. I know how to play him. I want to say yes to his proposal but I also know he doesn't expect me to say yes. That is why he had proposed in his office as opposed to a gala in front of his friends. He doesn't want to be embarrassed."I'll be honored but this is sudden."

"I understand." He answered with a small smile, rising to his feet. "Take the ring, keep it and should you choose to say yes, wear it. But Naila, my love, don't keep me waiting too long. You know how I get when my patience runs out."

He placed the ring in my hand and kissed my lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I have learned to say those words. Saying them to Stefan makes him happy. A happy Stefan equals more visits from Bas.

"I was wondering if I could see Bas today. Ever since he called Eva mommy, I just can't help but feel I'm missing out on major milestones in his life." He poured himself a glass of whiskey but knowing how angry he is, I held his wrist deterring him from drinking it. "You know how you get when you drink while angry. For my sake, don't. Let me hold you instead."

He set the glass down and took my hand into his leading me to his couch facing the window. I sat down and he lay his head on my chest finding comfort in my arms. I played with his curly hair humming a soft tune that I often hum to my son to get him to sleep. He likes it too. It is important for everyone in the mansion that the beast is calmed. I kept humming, stroking his cheeks and hair as I plotted how to get away from him.


"Yes Naila?"

"You never talk about your family. Are they in the red zone?"

Red zones are things he doesn't want to talk bout. He broke away from my hold, looking at me with the softest gaze.

"Yes they are." He answered, taking my hand into his. "But with you, with you and Bas I can have a family of my own. We can be happy and maybe even..."

A knock on the door interrupted him. He got up to answer it. A moment later after speaking in hushed tones with whoever was on the other side of the door, he faced me. "It looks like we will have to reschedule this conversation. I'll need you to come to me tonight. Wear something sexy." He instructed, kissing me before giving me a firm spank that culminated in him grabbing my bum. "Beautiful Naila, do think about my proposal. I'm waiting."

I left him and returned to my room. 

I sighed in relief cursing him for always making matters more complicated. I ignored the maid making my bed and fluffing my pillows on my way to the bathroom. Taking my seat in front of the mirror I decided to start fixing myself up before nightfall.

The maid came over and opened a faucet. I wanted to look up and ask her what she is up to but she grabbed a hairbrush and started brushing my hair.

"Face the mirror Miss Bellingerre and wash your hands in the sink." She instructed me. "Don't say a word. My name is Merideth Parkins. I work for the police. I've been spying on Stefan Romanov for the last one year." She pulled my hair up into a neat bun and smiled softly before releasing it all down only to start brushing it again. "We need your help to take him down. You're the only one who can get close enough without raising any alarms." Her brown eyes met my own in the mirror. "Naila, we know he has your son. We don't know where he keeps him as yet but help us and we will help you. I will keep in touch."

She closed the faucet just as I withdrew my hands and dried them.The police! This is great! But what if it's s test from Stefan and I fail it??

"Miss Naila I think you should wear your hair up today. You have a beautiful neck." She excused herself.

If it's true she's the police, my nightmare will likely come to an end.

But what if Stefan finds out?

The Harrington Series Book#2: Naila's Misfortune Where stories live. Discover now