XIII // He's Back In Town

Começar do início

"Your life is back home, with me, with your friends." He gestures.

"Dad.. I-I can't just come with you." Luna shakes her head.

"Why not?" He asks, louder this time.

"Because you lied to me!" Luna shouts, tears streaming down her face.

Rafael frowns. "What?"

"Why would you do that to me?" She shouts. Suddenly she gets pulled into Scott's arms and she lets herself cry.

Scott guides her to the kitchen and tries to calm her down. "I'll talk to him about it. Go to Peter, I'll text you when he's gone."

Luna wipes her tears away and nods. She looks up, right into her dad's eyes. "Bye, Scott." She stands up and walks away. The last thing she hears before she closes the front door is: "Who the hell is Peter?!"

On her way to Peter's she tries her best not to cry, but with all those stirred up memories about her dad, she can't help herself. He had lied to her, for almost her whole life. She felt like she couldn't trust him anymore. Not after that secret.

Luna parks her car in the parking lot and walks up to Peter's apartment, still crying. She raises her hand to knock, but the door already opens. Derek storms out and collides with her. She stumbles and falls down.

"O, Luna, I'm so sorry." He apologizes and helps her stand up.

Once she's on her feet she quickly dries her tears.

Derek notices she's crying. "Are you okay?" He asks concerned.

"I-I.." Luna shakes her head and sobs.

"Luna." Peter's appeared in the door way, and walks up to her. He pulls her into his embrace. He doesn't even slightly care Derek's standing there.

Luna clings onto him and cries into his chest. Peter shushes her, kissing her head and soothing his hands up and down her back. It seems to calm her and after a few minutes, she pulls back.

"You," Derek suddenly says, gaining both Luna's and Peter's attention, pointing at Peter. "And you?" He points at Luna.

They just stand there awkwardly until Peter's hand finds her's and their fingers intertwine.

"God, it became time you guys came out." Derek sighed.

Luna frowns. "You knew?"

Derek huffs. "I'm pretty sure everyone knew. You don't even need to be a werewolf to smell your scent all over each other."

Peter rolled his eyes but chuckled. He looks into Luna's eyes and kisses her.

"Okay, that's my cue" Derek says awkwardly, making them pull back.

"Bye Derek." Peter says, not looking away from Luna's eyes. When he was gone he kissed her again and led her inside.

"What are you doing here, baby?" Peter asked, cupping Luna's face. "You were crying when you came here..."

Luna nodded and tears started to fall again. "My dad... He's here in Beacon Hills.."

"Okay..." Peter frowned and tried to understand the situation. He sat down on the couch and pulled her into his lap.

It occurred to Luna that she'd never told Peter about her dad, and maybe she should. "Peter, my dad kept me from seeing my mom and Scott for 10 years, and I thought they just didn't want to visit. He just kept them away from me." Luna sobs and stares at nothing.

Peter raises his eyebrows. "What does he want now?"

"He wants me to come home with him... But I feel like I can't trust him, not anymore." Luna says, looking up into Peter's eyes.

Peter nods. "If you want to trust him again, you have to forgive him." Peter sighed. "The question is, are you ready to do that?"

Luna shrugged. "I don't know. He lied to me for 10 years, that's not easy to just forget."

"I understand. You have to tell him. Talk to him about it. Ask why he did it. I doubt it, but maybe he has a very good explanation for why he lied." Peter says.

Luna nods. "Thank you, Peter." Then she chuckles. "Do you also have good advice on telling him I have a cute boyfriend I can't leave behind?"

Peter smiles and kisses her. "I could leave hickeys on your neck, shouldn't be that hard to figure out."

Luna chuckles and combs her hands through Peter's hair. "Can you be there, when I tell him."

Peter nodded. "When we tell him." He corrected.

Luna smiles and kisses him, lovingly. "I love you Peter Hale."

"I love you too, Luna McCall"

A U T H O R ' S
What the fuck will happen when they tell Rafael McCall about their relationship?

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Forbidden Love • Peter HaleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora