Chapter III: Love Encounter

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Chapter III: Love Encounter

Awaiting Calion's arrival, Nerwen went out in the garden. Even if it was located in the middle of a town, the trees were crowded with multi-coloured birds, which the Maia addressed:

"Little brothers, is there among you someone willing to take a message to my sister Melian?"

A few moments later, an agile kestrel flew toward her, and perched on a low branch. The small bird of prey stared at Nerwen with a proud gaze and talked to her:

I volunteer, Laiheri.

"Thank you, winged brother", said the Maia gratefully; she loved birds of prey very much. She gave him the message: My beloved sister, Kementári entrusted me with a mission of great importance, which will keep me away from home for a very long time. Unfortunately, I won't be able to communicate with you, but from time to time Kementári will send you news of me. Please, take care of the garden for me. With all my love, Nerwen.

The kestrel confirmed he had understood, bid her his goodbye and took off in the sky that was now darkening into dusk.

At this point, Nerwen headed for the library to refresh her memory regarding history and geography of Endorë. After all, innumerable years had passed since she regularly went to visit Melian, Thingol and Lúthien in Doriath, and those lands had changed greatly ever since, some of them actually even didn't exist anymore.

About one hour later, Varnon stuck his head in:

"Lord Calion has arrived, Laiheri."

"Thank you, Varnon, let him in."

"Very well. I'll see to your dinner being brought in your room, Lady", the butler said, taking his leave with a bow.

A few moments later, on the threshold appeared a tall Vanya with light-green eyes. Nerwen got up and approached him extending her arms to him:


The blond Elda smiled and hugged her:

"My dearest Nerwen...", he murmured, before kissing her. As usual, it began sweetly, lips brushing lips, and ended passionately, tongues interlacing in a sensual and exiting dance.

"It's good to see you again", Calion said, his breath slightly accelerated, placing another kiss on her lips.

"Same here", Nerwen answered frankly. She never missed to meet him, each time she came to Valimar; and sometimes he came to visit her in her lands in the south of Aman. They had been lovers for a great number of years now, but none of them wanted to formalise their relationship, aware that, despite of the attraction bonding them, they were not destined to form a couple. This capability – to know for certain you have met your other half – was shared by Valar, Maiar and Eldar; sometimes the recognition took a little time, but it never failed.

"How long will you stay in town?", Calion enquired. The previous time they were together for a week and he hoped that this time it would be longer.

"Only this night", she answered instead, to his great disappointment, "I must leave for a long journey."

She didn't say where she would go or why: so far, the Istari's mission had remained a secret known only by the Valar, the five directly involved Maiar, and a very small number of others. And now she, too, had become, in all ways, an Istar.

Something told Calion that, because of this journey, he would lose her. Not because she would die – the Ainur, differently form the Eldar, couldn't be killed – or because she would never return in Aman, but because she wouldn't be the same person. Instinctively, he tightened his grip around her.

Nerwen the Green and the Search for the Entwives #wattys2019जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें