"No mama no!" he cried. Jimin loved to throw tantrums, he was the one who threw the most out of all the kids. He was just a very snuggly baby and without his parents he felt lonely. Sure he loved his siblings but being in his parents arms was the best. It was probably seokjin's fault considering he held him a lot but when you have a kid as cute as jimin well... you just can't say no.

"Get over here," namjoon told him firmly. Jimin shook his head but after a few seconds he walked over to his other dad.

"Are you done?" jimin cried louder but after seeing his parents unaffected he quieted down and nodded his head. Namjoon wiped his tears and snotty nose, jimin sniffled quietly and waited for his dad to continue speaking.

"We told you we'd be back soon baby, the quicker we leave the quicker we come back," namjoon spoke slowly. He signed a few words as he spoke just to make sure jimin fully understood. Jimins bottom lip wobbled a little but he nodded, the parents understood that sometimes jimin and the other kids had their days so they aren't too harsh on them.

"Its okay baby, we can play all day long!" hoseok tried to cheer him up. Jimin giggled at his older brother, hobi hugged him hoping to cheer him up even more.

"Your hyungs will take care of you, when we come back we can have ice cream later okay?" all the kids jumped excitedly. Soon they were out the door and jinyoung was walking over to their home. He had agreed to watch the kids since they'd hopefully only be gone for a few hours.

"Thank you so much jinyoung, call us if any of them act up again," jinyoung waved him off and soon they were on their way.

Seokjin did not allow himself to feel nervous, he wanted this over and done with. Namjoon felt the same, this was ridiculous and he wanted this whole thing to just end. It should've never gotten this far but he's glad jaeun wasn't that smart when it came to threatening them. They had a solid case and were positive things would go in their favor today.

The pulled up to family court just in time and walked with their heads high. Their lawyer greeted them briefly before leading them to wait in the hall. They were called in a few minutes later and soon were standing in front of the judge. Well the lawyer was, seokjin had to sit because his back was killing him. Jaeun glared at him from the other side of the small room, seokjin ignored her though.

Jaeuns lawyer started by stating that she was the twins biological mother. He pushed the whole "she wanted to give them a better life but wasn't abandoning them completely" narrative. He made her seem like the victim which i guess was his job but also annoyed seokjin. Of course he showed the appropriate files and documents proving that she was their biological mother and that she had indeed turned her life around. Seokjin honestly tuned him out for a while.

"My client would like full custodial rights over her children, she's perfectly fit and capable of caring for them and is ready to do whatever it takes to see them. She's got great ties to the community and has a stable job with a suitable environment for the children," her lawyer concluded. Jaeun smiled at her lawyer and nodded at the judge excitedly. Seokjin must admit, she was a good actress.

"Yes well we my clients will not only decline that request but they'd also like a restraining order against Ms. park here," jaeun sat up quickly at the mention of a restraining order. She looked livid, almost crazy honestly.

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