chapter 27

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Life with the twins was hard. Well not that hard but it was emotionally hard. Seokjin did everything in his power to care for them, namjoon worked hard to provide for them, the boys worked hard to speak and teach the babies everything they could. Jinyoung had once again not reacted much differently when they had told him of the new additions to their family. He spent most of his time cooing over them.

Minho tried his hardest to find everything he could on the babies but nothing came up. These kids clearly had a mother who dumped them so he made sure to remind the parents that she could come back. Though that is always in the back of their minds minho also reassured them that it didn't seem like she'd be coming back. After talking everything through namjoon and seokjin had decided to start the adoption process. Even if the mother did come back she wouldn't be able to get custody of the twins. They had been abandoned, they were sickly and thin, cold, hungry, all of that would be used against her in court. Even with all of that seokjin still feared that someone would come and take them away, he tried to remain optimistic though.

Things were difficult, as time passed they struggled a little but they never let themselves get down about it. Hoseok was a year old now and he was everywhere. He could walk now so he used that to his advantage. He wasn't too rowdy but with twins in the house sometimes he got a little too loud. He was great with them though, he loved them so much and he always showed it. Yoongi was amazing with them too, he fed them and carried them whenever seokjin was busy. Everyone was taking it well, they adjusted over time slowly and changed their routine.

"Yoongi can you get the babies please," seokjin was serving up their lunch onto plates. Yoongi went to get the twins and hoseok from the nursery. Since the twins were 4 months old they had decided to put the youngest kids together. None of them minded considering seokjin often walked into their room to see hoseok cuddling up to them in their crib.

Yoongi walked in carrying the youngest twin, jimin. He carefully walked over and handed him to namjoon. Jimin was the smallest of the twins, his cheeks were so chubby everyone couldn't help but kiss them. He was a quiet little baby who loved to be cuddled. As long as someone was holding him he fell asleep quickly. He was a very happy baby and he loved seokjin so much.

Yoongi ran into the kitchen with a giggling taehyung in his arms. Taehyung was a very curious baby, seokjin often saw him looking around and exploring everything he could. Jimin and taehyung were inseparable, they loved each other so much it made seokjins heart skip a beat.

"My babies are growing so much!" seokjin walked over to jimin who was puckering his little lips. He pecked his lips and cheeks before doing the same to the other kids.

"What about me?" namjoon whined. Hoseok giggled at his dad, seokjin only rolled his eyes before kissing him too.

"I'm borrowing jinyoung's car for the twins check ups today," seokjin reminded his husband. Namjoon only nodded but in his head he was excited because he was going to be giving seokjin his new car today. He had it all planned out, a nice romantic dinner, with the kids which maybe isn't that romantic but seokjin has said it's still romantic with them. And then he would surprise him with the car, he could already see seokjins big smile in his head.

"Namjoon! You're not even listening to me!" seokjin complained.

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