With a jolt, he remembered his promise to her. That he would come and someday retrieve her to go anywhere, except back to that Pack. He gritted his teeth and picked up his pace with a new strength flowing throughout his body.

Misty's eyes widened when he trotted past. She copied his trot and came up beside him, their fur brushing. The wind gathered more strength and it slammed them down a few times. But that didn't stop them from getting right back up and pushing on.

Rascal squinted his eyes and gazed ahead. The trees whipped and swayed violently. Limbs and debris flew around in a frenzy. A stick scraped Rascal across the face. He grunted and growled, stalking on in annoyance.

Then lightning flashed, bringing with it a light shower of rain. Rascal sighed and gazed upwards, drops falling on his face. He shared a dismayed glance with Misty and pushed on.

After about half an hour or so later, thunder rolled heavily, and with it came an even heavier rainfall. It fell so thickly in a screen, that they couldn't see anything in front of them.


He heard the cry, and circled back, barely able to see Misty through the rain. But what he could see, he noticed Misty's pure coat was stained with dark mud. She stood, and attempted to keep her balance without falling back in. The rain washed the majority of it off, only her legs were dirty.

She grunted and rolled her eyes, falling in step with Rascal. "Don't you think we should find shelter?"

He nodded. "Yeah, but we can barely see. How are we supposed to find a place to rest?"

She must've shaken her head, but once she realized that Rascal couldn't see her, she replied. "I'm not sure..." She admitted.

Rascal was clumsy on his paws, groping the ground for a familiar touch. His paws ran over mud and puddles. Yet it had small pebbles and bits of stone in it.

Stone Hollow Pack...

He knew that they were halfway through the territory. It gave him more hope. But in the condition of this weather, and the way they were stumbling along, he knew that they wouldn't make it much farther without collapsing.

He squinted and tried his best to see through the pounding sheet of rain. Water ran in his fur and plastered it to his skin. He felt small and vulnerable.

His pads grazed over smoother stone, and he cautiously raised a paw, feeling like he would faint with relief when he touched a stone opening; a cave.

"Misty!" He gasped. "I found our stay for a while."

The sopping-wet she-wolf was at his side, eyes round as they stepped into the shelter.

"Oh yes," Misty sighed as she stretched out on the stone floor. "I've never been this glad to lay down, in a long time."

Rascal chuckled and plopped beside her. She shook droplets of rain to the floor, licking her sore paws.

"How'd you fall?" He asked.

"I set my leg down too fast, then my knee buckled and that's pretty much it." She replied with a shrug.

"Were you hurt?"

Misty's eyes glowed warmly, she smirked and placed her head on her forepaws. "No, but thanks."

Rascal flushed and chewed his tongue. "So, uh, I hope we make it by evening."

"Me too." She rolled over onto her back. "I'm cold and wet. And if Howler doesn't agree to our plan, oh boy, it'll be something he'll never forget." She ended with a growl.

Rascal blinked, not sure whether to be afraid or impressed by her grit. He shrugged and accepted her fierce energy without a word.

He wiggled around to get comfy, then he rested his head, and fell into a much-needed sleep.


An hour later, he woke, blinking his eyes to adjust to the light. He stretched his back and his sore muscles. Giving his pelt one last shake, he sat up and stared at Misty, who was still sleeping peacefully against the wall.

He hated to wake her and decided to leave her be so she could get more sleep. Padding out into the rain-moist forest, he was glad to see that the rain stopped entirely. It would be a much easier journey now.

Rascal sniffed the air to be sure that the rain was really over. He was relieved to scent that there was no more to come. He wandered around and caught a decent sized rabbit.

The air was crisp, and his breath fogged out in white puffs. Puddles, big and small, were scattered among the forest. The sun was still heavily laced behind thick clouds, and the wind died down completely.

He flinched as a soft pelt brushed his. He stared down at Misty, the she-wolf looking very bright and energized.

Rascal dropped the rabbit. He and Misty stared it gladly. Their muzzles almost touching. The tender meat slid down his throat in warm gulps. Once he finished his half, he sat up and licked his lips.

Misty swallowed hers quickly and looked at Rascal warmly. Her fur was rumpled and stuck out at odd angles. But the gleam in her eyes was stronger than ever.

Nervously, he bent and touched his nose to hers, eyes inches apart. She grinned and batted him playfully with a paw. Rascal chuckled and nudged her with his head.

"We'll be there soon," He could feel the courage in his voice.

They set off once more, feeling confident about their plan.


"Misty!" Rascal gasped, staring across the landscape in awe. Turning to her, he whispered. "We've made it."

The trees thickened as they neared the camp with each step. Rascal bit his lip and glanced at Misty, locking their gazes.

"I...." He anxiously scuffed a paw over the mud. "I just want you to know, that I wouldn't have made it this far, without you."

She tensed and looked down at her paws. "Just helping a friend."

He sucked in a breath and pressed his pelt to hers. "You're really special to me, Misty. Ever since I've known you, you've given me this...this...feeling of strength, and bravery, that I never knew I had until I met you."

The she-wolf raised her chin, and her eyes glimmered. "You're special to me," She lowered her voice to a whisper. "Before you, I was afraid to trust others. I grew up thinking there were two kinds of wolves: Strong and weak. And I wanted to prove to everyone, especially my parents, that they were wrong about me. I enclosed myself until I met you. You've given me the hope to trust, and love again."

Rascal pulled her into an embrace. "They were insane to throw you out of their lives. They couldn't see past their own noses to the determined, strong, courageous, beautiful she-wolf that ever existed," He stared deeply into her eyes. "You're all those things, Misty. And that's what makes you, you."

She pulled away, her lip trembling. Rascal was astounded to see her crying. She wouldn't normally show anything past her hard-shell exterior.

"I thought you didn't cry." Rascal smiled mischievously and flicked his ears.

"You've taught me to be myself." Misty closed her eyes, opening them to release those tears that have needed to break free for years. Tears of building up. Hiding emotions. Tears taught to ignore feelings, thinking they were weak. Tears that have been hiding in the shadows, for far too long.

Rascal licked Misty's cheek. She returned the gesture and buried her face in his fur.

She began to sob, they were muffled from his fur. In a small whispery voice, she choked out. "Rascal, I love you."

He swallowed and tightened their embrace with a paw. "I love you, Misty."

They sat there for a moment, engulfing each other in their much-needed reassurance. When they pulled away, they stared at each other with love.

"Let's finish this, Misty," Rascal said. "And when it's over...."

"We can be together forever..." She whispered.

A Wolf's Tale (Book #1) The Secrets UntoldWhere stories live. Discover now