"Why does she have to be so stubborn."

"Why does he have to be so nosy."

After a few seconds we both went back to facing eachother,seemingly entering another starring contest.I wonder who will interrupt this time? I gave him a blank stare which caused his eyes to reveal obvious confusion,his eyebrows scruntched up and tilted up.You can't read me Shane,that's what pisses you off so much,isnt it?

I expected someone to come up to us but instead I felt Shane grab onto my hand as he bean to lead me away from the well where the group seemed to be deciding if just pulling the walker up was the safest idea,do thy really have to question everything they have already begun to do?I rolled my eyes as I looked up at Shane,he avoided looking back at me though his grip on my hand seemed to only tighten when I tried to pull away."Shane,what do you want?"

He only glanced back at me for a couple seconds before walking even faster towards what I suspected to be the RV,I wasn't sure,For fucks sake,I'm basically being dragged at this point...but,I looked at him facial expression to see if anything about it could tell me what was going on.I sighed defeatedly as I continued to trail behind him as quickly as I could,he just looks upset and that is definitely nothing knew when it concerns me.

"Close your eyes."

I instantly glared at him,"Why?"

"Just do it,"I sighed as I saw us finally reaching the RV,If he does anything I am not even gonna try to stop myself from biting him.

I complied,though angrily,as he lead me into the RV and pushed me to sit down,"Can I open my fucking eyes now?"

"No," I growled as I heard him walking around the RV,possibly in search of something,but hearing his feet walking all over the place was only aggravating me more and more.And I thought men always complained about women never getting to the god damn point.

A bit more sounds of him fiddling around with whatever happened until he made his way back over to me,"Don't open until I say brat,"he basically yelled this out like a command which only made me glare at him with shut eyes.Huh,never glared at someone with closed eyes before,that's new.

"What a gentlemen,"I stated as I felt him grab both of my hands before placing something made out of leather,I think that leather or just cheap cloth,that seemed to be covering up something else,after steadying it on both my hands I heard him step back to which I opened my eyes and looked at my hands.I cocked my head to the side as I stared at the sheath,ok now I'm confused,I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow,"A knife? But...why?"

I said this cautiously as I placed the sheathe down on my lap and slowly pulled out the weapon only to reveal three separate but exact copies of each other knives.All three had slim but sturdy black handles with curves indented for the placement of ones hands.Looking at the blades they seemed a bit used but even if used they looked to be in perfect condition,picking up only one of them I traced the blades ends with my finger to test its sharpness,in a few seconds a small cut had appeared on my finger.These are really cool! "You can have them."

In full confusion,though I tried to hide it as well as I could on my face,I looked up at Shane who had an almost unnoticeable smile I had ever seen sketched on his face,"Wait,why are you giving me knives?" I looked down at the knives and carefully put them back in the sheathe,"Whats the catch?"

He sighed in obvious annoyance,but with him you never know why he does anything,"I put your kitchen knife back where it belongs."

What? I reached behind me to feel the knife was gone from the sheathe,When the hell did he- I rolled my eyes as I remembered us heading the house quickly to get Maggie,this ass is sneakier than I thought."And here I was thinking you were just being kind."

I grabbed the sheathe and stood up only to hand it over to Shane,"I imagine it's yours,I rather not take it."

He grabbed the sheathe without saying anything and I thought that was the end of our conversation so I turned away to walk back to the group,he grabbed at the back of the my pants where my bigger sheathe rested for the knife Sophia had taken and Shane placed the new sheathe inside."Lets head back."

"What the-,"I grabbed at the back on his shirt as I reached behind me to pull the "gifted" knives out of my sheathe,"Shane I don't want to take them,I'll just go get back the kitchen knife from the-,"I looked up just in time for him to pull me forward and kiss me ,well my mask,again.

My hands instantly balled up ready to strike at him but this time he seemed prepared for it as he quickly backed off from me with a smirk on his face and went out the door of the RV,I growled as I glared at the stop he had just been at,"SHANE!"

I was too lazy to watch the actual show to write this chapter so I kinda just made it up as I went along which is also the reason why it is so short,Soorrryyyy!!!

I will update again tomorrow,hopefully,cuz I have plans but who knows.I have a 4-day weekend since I got no school today (Friday) or Monday.

Hope you enjoyed,sorry if u hated it :/


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