Man Behind the Mask

Start from the beginning

So the man behind Mikhail's mask is.......stubborn, a pessimist and a quitter??! So the person I thought sees the world perfectly is someone as weak as this guy?

“Don’t be a pessimist. God has plans for us so that we could reach our dreams. You just can’t give up your dreams like that.”

“I’m just basing it on reality, Mezouri. Besides, I don’t really have a dream you know.”

“What?! Why?”  Kadence and I was shocked to hear those words from Mikhail. We felt uneasy and sad because a close friend of ours which we thought has the strongest personality among us four don't even have a dream..

After that, Mikhail walked away. We tried to stop him but he snobbed us. I guess we should leave him for now so that he could reflect.

God. Please lighten up his mind and reveal the right path that he should take..

After school, Cherry and I asked Kadence to pick up my siblings and walk them home because the two of us will go somewhere. It's very important so he agreed.

Me and my girlfriend went to Mikhail's apartment. It would be our first time visiting their home. All we know is that he lives with his father alone ever since his Mom died and that they're renting  this small apartment.

Mikhail don't want us to come in at first but we insisted and won.

As we entered their apartment, garbage was everywhere- cans of beers, canned goods that was left to rot on the floor and the stinky smell of cigarette butts. Also, I noticed that cobwebs ahev started forming on the walls, even up in the ceiling. Clearly, the little apartment was neglected . And I myself wondered how someone could take to live in a filthy place like this.

This place is like a WASTELAND!!!! We need to clean things up even just a little! They might get badly sick or something if the room is this dirty.

Mikhail doesn't want to clean but even if he neglected, Cherry and I started cleaning and after a while he helped us also..

"Waaaaaah!!"  Cherry screamed!

"What happened, Cherbear??"

"T---there's a huge RAT there!! *points the pile of leftovers*"

"Oh. Sorry, Cherry. I'll be cleaning this part. You can do the dishes. Thanks"   said Mikhail.

There were cockroaches, spiders and the stench is really awful. Is this really where Mikhail lives? It's saddening..

After we cleaned the room a bit. We started to take a break. Since there aren't any foods rather than noodles, we don't have a choice but to savor them. And after eating, we confronted Mikhail about our conversation early this morning.

It was hard to squeeze his thoughts that he kept hidden from us but with Cherry's help, he slowly begun to share his agony.... We listened carefully and let him talk it all out..

He pulled out an old album and showed us their family picture several years back.

"My dad has been smoking, drinking and gambling a lot ever since Mom died. He wasn't like that when I was a kid but he changed."

I can feel his torment. I know it's really hard to share it to us. I'm a boy after all, and boys don't really want others to see their weak side..

"Every working day, he goes home when I’m already asleep and when I wake up in the morning to go to school he’s already gone for work leaving my small allowance for the day. We don't talk and see each other often."

I felt mix emotions. I know Cherry felt it too because her eyes begun to be filled with tears and I know she's the one who can understand MIkhail more than I can. She just tries to remain calm so that Mikhail won't burst out at once. Oooh, Cherry...

"During weekends, I usually go out and hang out with you guys or with other people I know. Just so I won't be stuck in the house with him."

"Why?? Why would you not want to be with him? It's your only chance to bond with your Dad. *sobs*"

My girlfriend suddenly cried. She never saw her father because he died before her mother gave birth to her... She longs for the warmth and love of a father so much.

I---- all I can do to my two friends is just listen and make them feel that I'm by their side.

Mikhail stopped for a moment and dried the tears of Cherry. He doesn't want her to cry, 'cause as much as I love my girlfriend, he loves her too.

"One night, he went home so drunk that he forgot who I was. He woke me up then he scolded me saying I’m a burden to him. His life became miserable because of me. He even punched me on the face that damage my right eye. That same night, he killed my one and only precious dream. After that incident, we became distant with each other. He never asks for forgiveness nor did he talk about it. He acted like nothing happened."

My close friend reaches out for a can of beer and started drinking. It was the first time I saw him drink because I thought no one among us four drinks alcohol. I couldn't move to stop him. How pathetic of me..

"Whenever I see him, I feel angered about our situation. I DESPISE him! Even just seeing his face gets me mad. If I could just speed up time and grow old immediately, I would.


 I want to live INDEPENDENTLY and OUT OF THIS MISERABLE empty life of my father!"

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