Wish Store: Your Wish is Our Command

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  • Dedicated to God for changing my life



Rule #1: Any wish that breaks the 10 Commandments of God will not be fulfilled.

Rule #2: You cannot wish for others who already died.

Rule #3: Strictly follow Rule #1 and #2. A punishment awaits for those who will dare to break it.

Rule #4: There are NO other rules.

If you're soul is corrupted, you will be send directly to HELL.

Scanning your soul....

Access Granted! You may come in.

State your whole name.....

Logging in...

Scanning number of STARS.....

Please choose from the following options:

1. Start a new life of your own.

2. Make a wish for others

3. Tutorial

 4. Exit

Clicked option '3'.

You are now in tutorial mode. Tutorial mode can only be triggered once per person. You must remain silent and listen carefully.

Welcome to Wish Store. You are here because you are already dead. The soul of a good person who dies is automatically transferred in front of our store. This is where we fulfill any of your wishes as long as you do not break any rule. Rules are posted on the front door of the store. Anyone who dares to break any rule will be punished accordingly.

In order to access an option listed on the screen excluding tutorial, you must used the STARS you gained from living. You gain and lose STARS based on your performance while living on Earth.

For choosing option '1', you will be brought back to life. You can then choose from two sub-options; 'Start out as a newly-born baby'  which costs a 50 stars wherein once you have been revived, your memory will be erased. The other option would be, 'Revive back to your present age' which costs 100 stars. By choosing the latter, your memory of your life will be retained.

If you have wish for others that you want to be fulfilled, choose option '2'. Enter the person's name then state your wish. The weight of your wish will be rated and the cost will vary.

We would like to remind you that you can only wish one wish. Your excess STARS will be deleted. Once you chose to be revived and have died again, you will be granted another wish. The moment you leave Wish Store, all your connections and memories of us will be erased.

If you don't have anything to wish for, choose option '4'. You can enter Heaven by using the back door of our store. Heaven is where souls are given the gift of Eternal Peace.

Any questions?


Tutorial mode ends here. Wish wisely......

State your whole name..

"Arashi Mezuori"

Logging in...

Scanning number of stars....

Total stars: 107

Please choose from the following options:

1. Start a new life of your own.

2. Make a wish for others

3. ----------

 4. Exit

I choose "OPTION 1, 100 stars".

 Are you sure, Arashi Mezouri?




Wish Granted!

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