"Like what you see?"

"I am enjoying the view alright Mr. Steele"

"I can say the same for myself Ms. Clark" Kaden said as he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her slender body. He feathered kisses on her shoulder and nuzzled her neck.

Ariella's body zinged from his touch, every nerve in her body becoming a live wire.

"I am going to miss you so much" Kaden whispered as he kissed her forehead.

"But it is only a year. We will meet whenever we can. I will apply to Harvard Business for my MBA" Ariella said, her heart fluttering. She loathed the distance that was going to come between them. Kaden was her home.

"We will work this out Ari. Don't worry sweetheart"

"I love you" Ariella said as she caressed his face.

"You should get ready now. We will be late"

Ariella stepped into the walk in closet and removed her robe. Kaden stepped in behind her.

"You are planning on making us late aren't you?" Ariella asked as she slipped into her undergarments.

"Nah, I am going to help so we don't get late." Kaden muttered as he traced her spine with his fingers. Ariella sucked in a sharp breath.

Kaden gently pushed her against the wall, kissing her passionately.


"Which dress my love?" He whispered in her ear.

"The one kept aside" Ariella stuttered. Kaden strode across the wardrobe and took the floral printed white summer dress Ariella's shaky hand was pointing towards.

He helped her step into the dress. He held on to the zipper and placed a kiss between her shoulder blades.

"You are mine Ari" He said as he zipped up her dress and pressed her back against his chest.

Ariella turned around and pulled his head down for a soul searing kiss.

"Forever and ever" She whispered as she pulled back.


"Oh my god! Kaden!" Ariella exclaimed as Kaden helped her out of the car.

Ariella looked at the small diner situated at the exit from the highway. It was the diner where Kaden had brought her for a date the night she graduated from high school. That night it had been crowded with people bustling in and out but right now it was quiet. A glow emitted from inside the diner.

"Come on" Kaden smiled and placed his hand on the small of her back, guiding her towards the entrance.

"Mr. Steele, Ms. Clark" The diner owner Russell Grant welcomed them. Kaden had booked the diner for tonight all to themselves.

Ariella looked at the candles lighting up the place. She remembered when she had come here the night of graduation. Kaden had gifted her beautiful necklace and they had talked about moving in together and her joining Columbia.

A table was set up for two. Kaden helped her out of the denim jacket she had paired with her dress and handed it the waiter with his own leather one.

"You never cease to amaze me" Ariella said as she sat down while Kaden held open the door.

They finished dinner and walked back to the car hand in hand.

"Thank you for tonight" Ariella said.

"The night has not ended yet, love"


Kaden opened the car door and pulled the latch for the trunk of the car. It popped open and inside was two briefcases.

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