Chapter 20

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“I hate spring!” she growled whilst furiously rubbing her side against the rough truck of a pine tree.

“I know! Mines itching like crazy!” Ally moaned, mimicking her furious scratching.

            The winter snow had finally melted and allowed the fresh green grass to cover the meadows again. Chicks chirped relentlessly for more food whilst bears and squirrels awoke from their hibernation. Every wolf in the forest was shedding their thick and heavy winter coat as coarser summer fur pushed its way through their skins which caused this constant itch.

“I swear it gets worse every year,” Ally shook loose fur from her itching, “I’m going two legged.”

“I’ll second that,” she agreed before shifting into their human forms.

            She scratched her head which also felt like it was shedding. A strong gust of wind blew her face turning my nose and cheeks pink. Goose bumps appeared on her bare skin. She shivered involuntarily and saw that Ally was doing the same. Her fair brown hair blew widely around her face.

“This is why we only go two-legged in summer,” Ally trembled.

            In human form, they still spoke in wolf seeing as if they didn’t know any other language. 

“I’d rather freeze then itch like that, lets hunt.”

Ally grinned menacingly, “Let’s go terrorize some poor helpless bunnies.”

The memory hit me in a pleasant way as I stalked the rabbit through the tall grass. Ally was perched in a tree above the rabbit casually watching Wolfie’s hunting techniques. Wolfie himself was trembling with his eagerness to sink his teeth into a cute little rabbit. He had improved a bit but he was still too eager.

“Now?” he asked.

“Not yet.”



Too late.

            Wolfie lunged from the grass and charged after the rabbits. He barked and chased and then dug at the rabbits burrow entrance until there was a gaping hole but no rabbit. He cursed furiously under hit breath and panted after parking his fury butt in the dirt.

“You’re too eager,” I just point out the obvious.

“I’ll say,” Ally agreed.

“I can’t help it! Every molecule is screaming yes while my heads shouting wait,” Wolfie huffed a sigh.

“Its okay fuzzbutt, you just haven’t been taught right,” Ally soothed as she gave him a good chest rub; it’s the only part of him he couldn’t reach himself.

            Wolfie made a low throaty growl.

“Get a room dogs,” Devon sighed as he walked into the clearing as a human.

“So what exactly have you mutts been doing here all week?” he asked raising an eyebrow.

“Wolfie wanted hunting lessons.”

“Why? You’re a deer killing demon.”

“I don’t have the patience for the small creatures like pheasants or evidently rabbits.”

“And how are the lessons going?”

“He’s no rabbit assassinator but he’s got potential,” Ally shrugged.

            I shifted to human looked at the three of them grinning, “this is cute and all but this isn’t hunting,” I said smiling.

“Hate to admin it, but she has a point,” Devon winked at me.

“Says you two to us to get a room. Have you two finished making puppy dog eyes at each other yet?” Ally smiled wickedly at us whilst Wolfie looked away grinning wolfishly. 

“Cone on,” Devon shifted into his sleek and powerful wolf before slinking away into the pines.

            Ally knocked against my shoulder when she caught me staring after Devon’s chiselled butt.

“So, you and Devon huh?” Ally exclaimed, “He’s a cute wolf?”

“Says you! Look who’s getting on with wolf-dog?” I retort.

“He’s sweet,” she smiled dreamily.

“Uh-huh,” I absently stared out of the windows.

            Thick black clouds shifted in the, covering up the sea-blue sky. They cast darkness over the woods making them appear denser and creepy.

“Hey, guess what happened at school today?”


Ally was looking for her favourite sparkly shirt; she has a thing for sequins at the minute.

“A girl called Megan asked me to bite her today, she knows we’re werewolves.”

“Have you told Wendy?”

“Not yet but Devon knows.”

“Naturally,” Ally smiles, wiggling her eyebrows.

“Hey, has anyone seen my doll?” Maisie asked as she entered our shared room. Maisie held a pink princess dress and a fairy wand.

“No, sorry cub,” Ally smiles apologetically and continues her search for her sparkly shirt.

            Maisie looks at Ally weirdly then looks at me sideways.

“Asked Devon?” I ask.

“Can’t find him,” she replied stubbornly.

“Asked Wendy?”

“Mummy doesn’t know.”

“What about the garden?”

“The sun house!” Maisie exclaimed, “I left her there to look after Prince Peter. Bye!”

Maisie skipped happily downstairs singing a theme tune from TV before I turned to Ally, “Who’s Peter?”  

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