Chapter 13

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I went out the door and embraced Wendy in a hug, making comforting sounds. Her hot salty tears dampened my neck where he head rested. I couldn’t believe how Devon treated his mother, his Alpha. If he did this to her, does that mean he’s Alpha now?

“Are you okay?” I asked, holding her weeping form at arms length.

            She sniffles and looks at me with deep, expressive eyes.

“Yes,” Wendy attempts a smile.

“Do you know what always cheers me up?”

           Wendy sniffed and then shook her head.

“A good run,” I answered.

           Wendy looks at me again.

“I’ll get Ally,” I announced.

The nanny wolfs form shivers uncontrollably. Her whole body trembles with sadness. A wolf cannot cry the way a human does, instead they just deteriorate until they are a shell of their former selves. They do slowly recover, but the greater the loss, the longer the recovery.

            Her son, a beta wolf, born to a roving male was killed during an attack on the pack. They lost a large square of our hunting territory. She comforted her nanny by sitting with her and wrapping her spindly arms around her trembling form, she whimpers uncontrollably. She gently tangles her fingers in her coarse fur on the back of her neck.

“Do you know what always cheers me up?” she asked in wolf-tongue.

“What?” she whispered.

“A good run,” she answered.

Pine scents swirled around me. Dry mud-dust flew up as my paws turned up the loose forest floor. Birds flew up suddenly, frightened by my sudden appearance. Fifty meters behind me, Wendy’s wolf form tried to keep up with me, her breath is in a rhythmic series of sharp exhales. Ally is closer to me but still struggled to keep my pace. I slow down until I’m shoulder to shoulder with both Wendy and Ally.

             Ally’s tongue was slapping as she ran and I wolf grinned at her. During our travels, I came across Devon. Wendy and Ally had gone a separate route but I shifted course, wanting a change in scenery. He shifted out of his wolf form and was silently crying under a tree. I shifted back myself and approached him cautiously. He spotted me, I know he did but he didn’t comment.

            I sat cross legged opposite him and he caught my gaze, He immediately looked down. My head cocked to the side and eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

“What’s wrong?” I questioned.

“You wouldn’t understand, you don’t have a family,” he muttered back.

“But I’ve had a pack,” I answered.

            A long sigh left his lips and he realised that he can relate this to me.

“It’s just; my dad left us because what we are. He never even cared for us otherwise he would understand. Both you and Ally are too wild. You can’t be tamed and it could kill us all,” he raised his volume as he spoke, “I don’t know.”

“It’s his problem, not yours. He left you, just like it was my problem when I left the pack. Ally and I are learning and we’ll get there, eventually. You have to admit, we make everything a laugh,” I answered.

             He chuckled at my comment and stood up and offered his hand to me. I smiled gratefully before taking it. We decided to take a stroll towards the house. Wendy and Ally would meet us back there a bit later on.

“Wow, I never knew that we could have an actual conversation,” he said, astonishment, filling his face.

“I can act human, it’ just confuses me sometimes. And being a wolf is more fun, less responsibility,” I debated.

             He laughed along with me as we entered through the door. On the table was a note. Devon frowned as he ripped the envelope open, not caring. I observed his eyes as he scanned the paper. It dropped out of his hand before I could ask.

“What’s wrong?” I questioned.

“They’re coming for an inspection, they’re suspicious of our activities, we’re screwed.”


So, what do you all think? Will they all be doomed to a life in labs? Comment below please, if I do get a comment than I'll update on MONDAY!






Niamoi :)  

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