Chapter 11

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Hi guys, here is the next chapter, I think it was written by both me and my best friend. Hope you enjoy! 


I headed to school with Devon, Ally wouldn’t be in school for the next week, she was still adjusting to human life. This morning Wendy realised that Ally didn’t know basic human qualities, so Wendy is teaching her everything she needs to know. She’ll join me soon enough.

“Ella, try not to get into any trouble today, please?” he asked in a plead.

“I try, it’s just hard, humans and wolves are so different,” I argued.

“No kidding.”

            Before we rounded the corner into school, Devon insisted we split up so he doesn’t see me with him. I understand, Alphas sometimes feel too proud to be walking around with a commoner. Specialist at hunting I may be, but some of them are just too proud.

            I walk straight to form and take a seat in a back corner. Three girls in front of me turn around then snigger at me. I bear my teeth slightly but they just laugh some more.

“Okay everyone. Let’s get you registered then you can leave to your lessons. Some of you have French next, right? Our form tutor, Mrs Jones asked brightly.

            Half of the class groan. Mr Jones laughs then does the register, then dismisses us. I learned the girls who sniggered at me were called Channel, Jessica and Courtney. I’m not sure where I was next so I asked a chubby red-haired girl. She pointed to the class next door to my form room. I thank her before entering the class. It turned out I also shared this room with the trio of girls from form. I sighed and took the only seat remaining.

“Good morning class,” a youngish female teacher greets.

“Good morning Miss Hoist,” the class replied pleasantly, this teacher is obviously liked.

“Okay, then. Now, does anyone remember what we did last lesson?”

“We learnt how to zone out of class when you talk about algebra,” A cocky boy from the back shouts.

“Not quite,” the teacher tries to conceal a laugh.

“It was algebraic expressions,” a smug looking short girl announces.

            What a smart arse, I knew that, not. As I stared out of the window, the sun was evaporating all liquid at a high rate, it was hot today. My eyes cast a glance around the room, there were people removing layers all over the place. So I followed the action. Once I had removed my shirt, a lot of looks were shot at me.

“Er, Ella,” the teacher began, “Could you please put your shirt back on, I’m glad you’re comfortable with your body but its inappropriate.” 

“But,” I was cut of by the door opening.

“Miss could we borrow the… Oh no.”

            Devon had come onto the scene. He marched to me, grabbed my wrist and dragged me out.

“I wonder what they’re doing,” Channel giggled.

            I tried to muffle a growl but Devon yanked me away.

“Put your top on,” he ordered after we were outside, everyone in class giggling and wolf-whistling.

“Why? Everyone else was taking them off,” I retorted.

“Yeah, their jumpers, not their shirts. Now put it on,” he growled.

“Whatever loser, your mom’s a moose!” I replied and puller the jumper over my head.

“Where did you get that from?”


“Okay, great.”

Devon tried to act normal as a teacher stalked past, watching us wearily.

“So is taking this off wrong for humans to do?”

“Extremely, now go back in there and act like nothing happened, got it?” Devon pressured me into a yes.

            I went back inside class and sat back in my place. The teacher tried to act like thing happened while sending me pleading looks with her eyes. All the humans around me avoided my direction with eyes and barely controlled there laughter.

            Okay, no removing shirts; jumpers only! It wasn’t my fault, I didn’t know humans didn’t take off the under layer. If it’s wrong to take of a shirt, then it’s good Devon came in that moment or I would have removed the padded elastic thing to, whatever its name was.

            After class, the teacher kept me back a few minutes to explain why removing my shirt in a public place. I nodded my head to show my respect then left off break.

“Hey slut!” Channel called from a few metres behind me.

            I didn’t realise it was me she was calling, so she came and tapped my shoulder.

“Hello,” I smiled at her, not really knowing what to expect.

“So, you and Devon,” she commented and smiled slyly.

“He’s my cousin,” I explained.

            She and the two girls behind her laugh.

“Isn’t that incest?” Jessica asked rhetorically.

            Channel and Courtney burst out in laughter. I can tell by her voice that Jessica came from a strong part of England, a rich daddy’s girl who moved when he got a better offer. Her voice dragged out at the last word, making it sound like “inceeeeeeest.” Not that I knew what incest as. I really don’t think it was a good thing.

“See you later, freak,” Channel retorts and stalks off, followed by her entourage.


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