Chapter 9

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So, I'm getting the drift that quite a lot of people like this book. Comments and votes have suddenly shot up so I hope you enjoy this chapter, there's a twist at the end. 


It didn’t take long for me to break into my wolf form; she was itching to escape, for a run mainly. And once she was free, she wanted to run, just as I did. Maisie shifted into a little wolf cub which I awed at, she was so cute and fluffy.

           Once we began to run, no-one could keep up with me. I was designed for running, that much was obvious. In the end, I decided it was best to ditch them, then I could explore where I wanted. If they needed me, they’d howl.

           I ran as fast as I could. My eyes zoomed in on every detail of my surroundings. From the tip of a pine needle to a droplet of water on the edge of a leaf.

“How number one,” the nanny wolf called, “Slow down.”

          The pack was hunting and she was leading like usual but the others couldn’t keep up. Her head cocked to one side and a frown filled her face. She was annoyed at them stopping her. Once they caught up, they began running south again. Soon enough she was far ahead and out of sight.

“Slow down!” nanny wolf called again.

          She wasn’t stopping; her eyes were set on the prize, deer, her favourite. The stag was large and bulky, obviously one of the better selections for quantity. She licked my lips and sprung forward. She needed no help from my pack.

The memory filled my thoughts as a similar prize crossed my mind. This time, it was a young doe. The younger they are, they always taste better. I stopped to watch its pattern for a while, studying it closely. I soon realised it made no plans on moving, perfect.

           I urged forward, my stomach growled, reminding me of my craving for food, for meat, for deer. The deer’s ear pricked up at the sound of it and warned me that it felt my presence. A breeze blew by, fear caught on the wind.

It’s time.

            The muscle in my legs sprung me forward and I pounded after her. I felt alive, I was free. My legs took one leap and landed on her back.

             After I had demolished my meal, the others caught up, they shifted back and I followed.

“Don’t wait for us then,” Devon said bitterly.

             I shrugged, all I could say was delicious.

“Did you get anything?” I questioned, stretching my legs out.

“Yeah, a pheasant and a stag between us,” Wendy revealed, “Quite glad we went hunting, it means I don’t have to cook.”

“Maisie ate an awful lot of pheasant,” Devon added.

             We all looked to the white wolf cub curled up on a patch of clovers, snoozing peacefully, I smiled.

“How did you learn to run so fast?” Devon inquired.

“Don’t know, I’ve always been fast,” I explained, “Probably something to do with werewolf abilities enhanced by around fifteen years of pure running, the good days where school didn’t concern me.”

            Wendy and Devon laughed at me. A familiar scent reached my nose as I inhaled a deep breath. My wolf yearned to escape, also recognising the scent. It comes from my time with the pack; one of the pack members is near. I sprung up and shifted, the familiar scent forming a lot of will-power.

           Then, I ran, following the scent. I lowered myself to go under the tree tops, through bushes and I would charge through any obstacle in my way. And then it became stronger, the source of the scent was close. My nose found my destination.

            Hidden in the bushed was a girl, the same age as both Devon and I. I shifted back and stepped closer. Her big yellow eyes glowed.



Let me know what you think please and leave a vote or comment, it would be nice to get an idea of how many people are actually reading the book. If I get a lot than I might update more regularly. 







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