Chapter 5

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I woke up to voices that were muffled by the surrounding walls. Soon enough, I had recognised the voices to come from Wendy and Devon. My curiosity left me as I dressed myself, one layer at a time. As I headed down the stairs, I picked up parts of the conversation. When I heard my name, I paused at the door frame.

“She doesn’t belong with us, she didn’t even know her name,” Devon argued.

“But we can help her. If I left her on the street she would have exposed us,” Wendy debated back.

                I had heard enough to know I wasn’t wanted here.

“Now shush, you’ll wake both of the girls up.”

“Too late,” I began, stepping out.

                Devon’s cheeks heated up quickly, he didn’t expect me to wake up. I’m a wolf, hello, hearing.

“Ella,” Wendy started, “He didn’t mean it and…”

“No,” I interrupted, “He doesn’t want me here so I don’t plan to stay.”

                I ran to the back door and opened it. It was a fresh morning, winter was giving it everything this year. Though I knew I would be cold to begin with, once I was in my wolf form, the cold wouldn’t even bother me.

“Ella wait,” Wendy called after me.

                But I had already had already shifted. I was gone, I ran on all fours as I entered the forest, I wouldn’t go back there. How could I have been so stupid? My mind flickered back to the pack; I wish I was still there, with them. It was going to be a moment where I reminisce at the past. But it sound of sirens flooded my ears. They pricked up as a response. My instincts told me that something bad was coming; it urged me to run faster.

                Soon enough I found myself starring down the barrel of a gun. My eyes moved to the person holding the gun. Patched across his chest were the letters FBI. My mind flashed back, I’m not sure how long ago it was but it was before I met the pack.

“Phillip Marshal, come out with your hands up or we will be forced to come in.”

               She was clutched against her mother. She was humming a soft tune in her daughter’s ear as tears flowed down her cheeks. She smiled in appreciation as she wrapped her daughter up in blankets.

“Mama loves you, dada loves you,” she cooed.

               She took her downstairs, keeping her close; she laid her down in a basket. She watched as a beautiful scene took place between her parents. Then her dad took hold of her in wolf form. He ran for both of their lives. But he places his daughter in a hole and covered her with dead plants. The last thing she saw was the tail of her dad before she fell into a dreamless sleep.

I froze, they killed my parents and they took them away from me. There was only one man and my wolf form wanted revenge.  I felt the heat intensify. A growl erupted from me, he took aim. For a while I stopped breathing. Knowing this could be my last breath, I didn’t want to breathe. My haemin form was shy and timid but my wolf form was revengeful. I could hear a shaky breath coming from the person with a gun, ready to commit my death. But I knew he would struggle to kill me or if he did, he could suffer from a guilty conscience. He’s not man enough to do it.

                 Suddenly, his face contorted into a mixture of pain and horror. Another shaky breath left his lips and he fell forward to the ground. Blood oozed from a gash on his back as he bled to death. A wolf emerged from behind the man, a wolf I know to be that boy. He saved my life, Devon saved my life.

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