Chapter 15

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Nice to see you again,” he told me, sitting next to me.

“You too, I still haven’t gotten you back for that.”

             He laughed. Wendy and Devon stared at the two of us in shock. Ally already knew as it was one of the secrets I whispered to her when we were youngsters.

“When I was younger, he tried to capture me, he’s one of us,” I informed.

“If you’re one of us then what are you doing with the FBI,” Devon questioned.

“I take out rogue werewolves like your friend here who cause trouble. But I also do some of the inspections to warn families. I have to say that if I was human than I wouldn’t have caught on,” he explained.

             I tugged at a strand of his blonde hair and placed it behind his ear, he smiled at me. My attention turned away and I found myself meeting Devon’s eyes as they clouded over with something I didn’t understand. But I recognised it because Channel’s eyes filled with the same emotion when Devon dragged me out, wishing she was in my place, not sure why. However, I’m still not sure about the emotion, it confuses me.

“Just a couple of things, your dog who is actually part wolf were the first report we had, give him this,” he produced a needle, filled with purple liquid, “And his wolf DNA will vanish when he’s tested, it would come out negative. Also, the second report we had was about my rogue friend here. Teach her and until then, don’t send her to school.”

              Wendy nodded before thanking him. He nodded and hugged me like an old time friend. He left quickly after, claiming he had other things to attend to. Once the door slammed shut, every cheered. Devon came over and his arms wrapped around me.

“I could kiss you right now!” he shouted.

“What’s that?”

               He just laughed and pulled away.

“Let me get the steaks!” Wendy announced, “It’s time to celebrate!”

* * *

“Ah… that was good,” Devon drawled, patting his expanded stomach.

               Devon released a large belch, causing everyone to laugh and Devon to grin. When his eyes landed on mine, he winked, making me cock my head sideways in confusion. Devon just shook his head.

“Shall I take the round things?” I asked, indicating to the round, stained things that Wendy had put our food on.

“Sure and they’re plates Ella.”

“I’ll wash!” Devon announced.

“I’ll put away,” Maisie suggested.

“No, it’s okay; you just go play with Wolfie and Ally.”

“Okay,” she replied, bouncing away.

“Thanks kids, I think I’m going to catch up on my TV and take a long bath,” Wendy stated.

             When Devon and I had entered the kitchen and everyone else had left, Devon began asking me questions.

“So how do you know that guy?”

“I wondered off once away from the pack and I left edge of the forest which lead me to a small town as a wolf. He caught me and warned me to leave,” I explained like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

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