Chapter 16

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Next chapter for you and we're over halfway through the book :) 


“There you are boy! Come here, come on!” Devon calls to Wolfie.

           Devon then turns, urging me to follow. When Wolfie is no more than thirty feet away, Devon shifts into his wolf form and bolts away excitedly. Laughing, I followed suit, causing Wolfie to growl in frustration and pursuing us to run at a faster pace. Devon pulls up so he’s running shoulder to shoulder with me. He pulls a wolfish grin and then releases a howl of joy which I do an interpretation of. Devon nudges his shoulder against mine and our eyes meet. His eyes search mine for something I didn’t understand but some how it still felt as if I did understand. Something passes between us, something different. A huge thick tree threatened to pull us apart. I adjust my angle so I would run past it. I bark a warning to Devon but his eyes were still searching mine. I bark again to warn him but he’s still distracted.

            Devon released a sharp yelp as he collides with the tree. I turned on my tail and headed back to him. Devon lay on his back, rolling in the leaves with a bloody nose and a huge grin. I watch wide-eyed then join in his excessive laughter. After a few minutes we manage to calm down and lay face to face. He shifts closer so that his paws to mine. In my wolf form, I now know why he’s been acting weird.

“Pile on!” Wolfie exclaimed in wolf tongue.

            He lands on top of us both, making us breathless. We squirm around, biting and pushing with our paws of muzzles. Soon enough I had escaped and began to join in with the chase as Devon pounded after Wolfie. Trees fly past me as I pour on the speed. Wolfie comes into view in less then a minute; the bulk of the male husky part of him denied him speed. My streamlined body becomes shoulder to shoulder with Wolfie and I take a leap at him, knocking him on his back. His paws kicked out at me as Devon joins in on the scuffle.

           Life just took an unexpected turn.

* * *

The next few days we spent at the house, learning the ways of the humans with Ally. It turns out Ally is a fast learner, unlike me who only learns fast when necessary, like when I left the pack for the human world. After our daily classes which were hilarious, especially when Wolfie joins in we all go roaming the forest behind the house.

           On the fourth day of our tutoring, our little gang all ran out of the house and filled with energy. I caught the scent of a deer heard and turned sharply to the left. The others stopped and followed in my direction. After Ally leapt over Devon and Wolfie who had fallen over each other, she joined me in the tall grass and the boys soon caught up. 

“Hey guys! I have an idea!” She announced, looking proud.

“What?” Wolfie asked while absently scratching his ear.

“A boys versus girls hunt! Whoever catches the biggest deer wins! The losers have to wash up tonight and the winners get to choose whatever we watch on TV for a week!”

“Sounds good, come on Wolfie, let’s go get a big buck!” Devon told Wolfie as he sluggishly stood up, clearly not too thrilled at Ally’s idea.

            Ally began shrinking through the tall grass to circle the herd while I shifted into my human body to find a vantage point. Ally stealthily made her way to the back of the herd. Suddenly, she made her presence known by releasing an ear piercing howl. The startled deer began galloping towards my tree. The first few younger deer charge past me, the rest of the herd flew bellow me but my eyes locked on the biggest stag in the herd. He was clearly not too old, so he was my prime target.

            I closed my eyes and sifted through every scent, searching for the stag’s individual aroma. I used my ears to zone in on his personal heartbeat, the irregular pound of his hooves on the ground, the way he charged through the grass.

           My eyes snapped open and I leapt from the tree and shifted into a wolf form mid leap. I landed on all four paws in front of the stag. He reared up as I leapt again, at his throat this time. The stag let out a scream of alarm but was cut off by the crushing sensation of my jaws latching onto his thick neck,

           The final stragglers of the herd ran past us, ignoring their herd-members death while fleeing in their terror. The stags front legs buckled as Ally leapt on his back, tearing at his hind quarters. Her teeth locked on his back leg, pulling him to the ground. His eyes fogged over as death took its icy grip.

           Ally and I howled to alert Devon and Wolfie who stumbled through the grasses. Wolfie’s jaw was bloodied but Devon’s was clean. They were both panting heavily. Devon held up his front right leg, the leg with the limp.

“Are you okay? What happened?” I asked, pushing my muzzle against Devon’s neck.

“Pulled a muscle, we had caught a doe but the thing kicked me,” he tried for a wolfish grin but it turned into a grimace, “I guess you win.”

            His eyes turned to the dead stag which lay limply across our feet.

“I guess, ready to chow down?” Ally suggests.

“Alright! Free dinner!” Wolfie exclaimed, instantly picking the fur from its hind.

            Devon chuckled, Ally giggled and I grinned. We all ate well but the stag was gone with in minutes.

Ally released as long sigh, “Now that’s good venison!”

“What’s venison?” I asked abruptly.

“Oh, that’s what humans call deer meat. Did you listen in cooking earlier?” Ally asked with a question on the end.

“Why cook when you can eat this?” I asked indicating to the stag carcass.

            Devon chuckled and closed his eyes.

“I don’t know about you guys, but I feel like camping out,” Devon suggested.

“Sounds great,” Wolfie wagged his tail enthusiastically.

“Then it’s settled. I’ll go howl mum then we can do whatever,” he announced, rising on to all four feet.

            He still raised his front leg awkwardly.


I know much didn't happen but it felt as if we needed a chapter more about how their wolfs react.






Niamoi :)  

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