Chapter 10

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“Howl number one? Is that you?” she asked, her voice hoarse and struggling to pronounce human words.

“Yeah,” I answered slowly, “What are you doing here?”

“I’ve been tracking you for months! Ever since you got, er… sep-arr-ated?”  Ally frowned at the word.

            Her eyes silently asked if she said it right. I move my head down ever so slightly to say yes.

“Why didn’t you come home?” Ally asked.

“I don’t know,” I answered, but it is the truth.

             I don’t know why I didn’t try to find my way back to my home in the woods. We embraced suddenly, licking each others cheeks and rubbing in a wolfs greeting. Seems weird but it’s just our way.

“Ella-Mae, who is this?” Devon asked, expertly raising an eyebrow.

“Ella-Mae?” Ally questions my human name, frowning and cocking her head to the side.

“Ella-Mae. That’s what they call me. Devon, this is Ally, my pack mate.”

“How is she human?”

She rolled in the tall grass of the meadow, tangled in the limbs of the other cubs. After a few moments, they all end up sprawled individually, gasping in laughter.

             When the other cubs fell asleep, she slowly rolled into a crouch and stalked Ally’s sleeping form. She coiled her muscles then pounce. Both of them wrestled in the grass again, when suddenly, she pinned Ally on her back. Ally pushed her off with her paws. They wrestled again, this time; she locked her jaws on Ally’s ruff- the fur on the back of her neck- and bit, deep enough to draw blood.

              Ally yelps and springs to her paws.

“Hey! No fair!” Ally announced, before attacking her again playfully.

* * *

Another evening, the moon hangs in the sky and casts a ghastly glow through the trees. Her and Ally are a few years old now and have wandered onto an enemy territory. An angered mother bear roars at her menacingly. Ally locked her jaws around the bears hind legs and reuses to release her. Ally’s temper is flying high; she can smell it in her aura.

               Suddenly, Ally collapsed, rolling in pain, whimpering. Ally lay in the leaf litter, naked, pink and human. The bear swiped at the human Ally and causes three deep gashes in her side. She shifted to human form and screamed at the bear. It jumped up startled and confused before it lumbered off into the woods.

              She scooped Ally up and laid her head in her lap, watching Ally’s wounds heal before her eyes. She blinked and reached up to my face. When Ally saw her own human hands, she screamed.

I explain the memory to Devon; he’s speechless for a few moments until Wendy trots over and gently places the fur ball that is Maisie on the floor.

“Mum? If a werewolf bit a regular wolf, would they turn human?”

“I don’t know, why?”

            Devon points to Ally.

“Who are you?” Wendy asks calmly.

            Ally blushed as I explained the story, again. Wendy nodded as I talked, obviously taking it all in.

            After I finished, a silence hung like a shadow over our small group, only Maisie’s soft breaths break it.

“Ally, how did you get that name?” Wendy asked, of all the questions, I wasn’t expecting that.

“It’s just what Howl One called me, so, everyone just went along with it,” Ally shrugged.

“Huh, now there are two homeless, packless teenage girls in our house,” Devon commended.

“What? I can return to my pack as I please. And, what’s a house?”

* * *

“Wow,” Ally remarked as she entered the back door, “Now this is a den.”

“House,” I corrected.

            Ally just shoved my shoulder and I laughed.

“So, I guess you’ll want to stay with Howl One then?” Wendy smiled with a gleam in her eyes.

“Please,” Ally replied, unfazed by Wendy’s comment.

            She didn’t understand humans well. Actually, neither do I but I can understand werewolf well enough, that’s some of their wolfish actions. Like the way Devon moves his head slightly to the side when Wendy scolds him, showing his submission by trusting her not to hurt his vital organs.

             It’s a wolf thing.

“Okay, Ella- Mae. Show Ally you’re room. We’ll get you in the morning, sleep well girls.”

             Wendy waves goodbye and we head upstairs.


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