Bad Girl Hiyori ⭐Yatori⭐

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It was a strange sight to see her in all black. Her dark brown hair didn't do much to add color to her either. I sat on a tree branch watching as she walked into the school. I sighed and leaned over to rest my head on my hand, propping it up with my knee. There is just something that is really bothering her but I can't tell what it is.

So I followed Hiyori to school.

I lifted myself up to my feet and jumped across multiple trees until I found the classroom she would be in. I hopped down a couple branches so that I was eye level with the room and sat down. I leaned my back against the trunk of the tree and watched forward. Hiyori didn't take notes anymore nor was she even paying attention. She was looking around the classroom, occationally snickering along with some of the other students. Eventually her eyes made it to the window as she scanned around outside. Her eyes met mine for a split second before she looked away. I brought one leg up to get a little more comfortable. What is going on with her? Normally she would at least smile at me.

As her class ended she stood up and started walking out of the room. I stood as well and began jumping around the trees once again. This time her class was located at the front of the building with no trees to sit on. I crossed my arms as I gazed over at the window of the room she was in. I couldn't see anyone from the sideways angle. Eventually I just moved over to the roof and laid down on my back, waiting for the period to pass.

By the end of the day I didn't see her do much of anything. I was waiting by the front door for her to come out so I could walk her home like I always did, though recently she has been avoiding me. I tapped my foot as I began getting impatient.Where was she and why was she taking so long? Suddenly the door bursted open and a small girl with blonde pigtails came running out. She had tear stains down her cheeks and her uniform looked like it had been torn. I watched her closely as she ran as fast as she could. I tore my gaze from her and let it land on the front door again.

This time a group of people walked out, Hiyori included. I watched as they walked down the steps and laughed loudly about something. I wasn't quite close enough to be able to hear their conversation. They eventually walked down to me and all turned and began walking down the sidewalk. As they had gone by me Hiyori didn't look at me once. I stood and watched as they all walked away. What is going on with her? I stayed still and watched as they went down the sidewalk together, in the opposite direction of the little girl. As I stood still two girls walked past me. As soon as I realized who they were I ran up behind them.

"Wait! Ami! Yama!" The two spun and looked right at me. I nervously shoved my hands down in my pockets.

"Who are you?"

"And how do you know our names?" I shuffled my feet and clenched my fists.

"I'm Yato. One of Hiyori's friends." The two looked between each other and then right at me.

"If you are trying to find her then I'm sorry but we haven't spoke to her in like a week." I bit the inside of my lip for a moment before responding.

"And why is that?" One of them sighed.

"Because she ditched us to hang out with the bad kids. She is now apart of the group that everyone at school fears." One girl tightened her grip on her backpack and looked down at her feet.

"Yea and it looks like she made it in too. See they have this initiation test that they do." I was beginning to get even more nervous than what I was before. There is no way I will be able to tell Yukine about her behavior. Ever since she started acting up I have been trying to make him keep his distance. Not that it was very hard since she practically pretends him and I don't exist anymore.

"What did she have to do?" I swallowed hard, worried about what their response was going to be.

"She had to... uh.." They looked between each other again before the other girl finished the sentence.

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