Afterlife ⭐Yatori⭐

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"No!" I screamed and ran as fast as I could. I watched as a Phantoms sprung from different directions at Hiyori. I tried to jump onto the roof she was stood on but by then it was too late.

Hiyori was lifted off the ground on one of the beasts mouth and swallowed whole. Her screams filled the night air and continued to echo through the streets even after she was gone.

I felt my chest being torn apart both from my pain and Yukine's. I dropped both my hands down onto the ground as I dropped to my knees.

"Revert: Yukine." A bright flash of light lit up the air around me before a small boy stood next to me. He dropped down next to me and shuffled close to my side.

"Yato? What do we do now?" I looked up as Bishamon jumped in and started picking off the phantoms. When did she get here?

"We go home." I felt Yukine place his hand on my shoulder.

"But Hiyori-" I roughly shoved his hand off of me and stood up.

"Hiyori is gone. Now let's go." I turned away from him and began walking home. It was strange to have shown up with three and leave with two.

I heard Yukine following behind me but he had quite a distance between us. I knew he was thinking about all his memories with her since I felt his pain all over me along with a slight sting to the back of my neck.

I walked in through the front door at Kofuko's house. She immediately jumped to us and wrapped us into a tight hug. I patted her back a moment before pushing her away.

"Yatti! How did it go today?" I dropped my eyes to the floor.

"I don't want to be bothered right now." I walked through the house to my room and closed the door behind me. I walked over to the curtains and closed them to block out any source of light that might try to creep in. When I spun back around and saw how empty the room was, I finally broke down.

I dropped to my knees and wrapped my arms around them. I immediately fell over as I was no longer able to hold myself up. It felt like my entire chest was being torn apart. I rolled over onto my butt and brought my legs over in front of me to cross them. I put my elbows on my knees and covered my face with my hands as I continued to cry.

I should've told her not to go with us. I knew how dangerous it was going to be. I could have made her stay home today but I didn't. I just let her go along like normal. My pain suddenly increased even more as I heard the door being opened.

I pulled my face up out of my hands and saw Yukine walking in with tears in his eyes. I stood up and slowly walked over to him, bringing my arms up. I knew he hated when I touched him but in this moment I don't care and I don't think he does either. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him close to me. His arms wrapped around my waist and he hid his face in my neck.

"Hiyori is okay and we will be as well." I felt as his heart break completely and my shoulder was becoming soaked. All I could do was hold him closer.


Twenty years have passed since that night. Yukine and I haven't fully moved on and everyone is getting annoyed with us. It isn't that we mope around and complain about what happened all the time, we just stick to ourselves or each other. We have become even more attached than what we were and will pretty much only talk to each other.

Today was slightly different. Yukine went to go study more about regalias so I was on my own for the day. I was walking around outside with my hands in my pockets. I looked up at the sky and sighed.

"Looks like it's going to be a stormy night." I looked forward and kept walking. There wasn't anything to do. No one to visit.

I stopped when I heard a female's scream. I've heard it before.

Random (Probably Gay) One ShotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt