Reversed ⭐Newtmas⭐

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Thomas quickly walked around the area, he was searching for Minho but couldn't spot the boy anywhere. He was supposed to be getting the serum and bringing it back so that they would be able to save Newt. Thomas spun on his heel when he heard a low growl come from behind him. He turned and saw Newt stood up, staring at him. His eyes had seemed to be clouding over in a black fog, almost completely covering his original eye color. Blood was slowly dripping from his mouth and running down his chin. Nearly every vein in his neck and face was purple and seemingly ready to burst from within his skin.

"Newt?" Thomas went to take a step towards him but stopped when Newt only bared his teeth at him. Deep within Thomas, something immediately started to hurt. Had they ran out of time already? Before he could figure out what was going on Newt had lunged straight for him, wrapping his arms around Thomas's torso and forcing him down onto the ground. The shock of the impact had knocked the air out of Thomas, leaving him gasping for air. He watched as Newt sat straight up on him and glared down at him, letting out a mixture of a moan and growl sound.

"No, Newt. It is me. It's Thomas. Tommy." But, the blond showed no reaction to the boys words as he began raining punches down at him. Thomas was able to shield himself with his arms and avoided most of the hits.

"Newt please stop! I don't want to hurt you!" Thomas held back a cry as he pushed with all his might to get the boy off of him. He threw the small boy a few feet away from him and sat up in order to watch what his next move would be. He took deep breathes and watched as Newt jumped at him again. This time Thomas stood up and met him in the middle. He wrapped his arms as tightly as he could around his best friend.

"Newt, just hold on a little longer. Minho will be here any second with the serum." Newt put his face up in Thomas's and growled at him while pushing against him will all his willpower, trying to break the tight hold he had on him. Somehow they ended up falling down to the ground again. Thomas finally stopped trying to hold back his tears as he looked down at the boy who was straddling his stomach. Recognition showed on Newt's face as if he had finally come to his senses.

"I'm sorry, Tommy." Thomas put his hands down on the pavement to slide him self out so that he could sit up with Newt on his lap. Tears were freely flowing down his face.

"Newt, no. Its okay." The blond boy aggressively shook his head as he started to look like he was having an intense headache.

"I- I hurt you." Thomas watched as his eyes switched over to the black ones again but just for a split second. He sat, feeling helpless as he watched the boy constantly taking control again just to lose it in the next second. He finally let out a loud yell before reaching behind him. Thomas sat, stunned as he watched Newt bring his gun out and press it against his own temple. Realization of what he was about to do washed over Thomas.

He felt his heart sink and his entire body suddenly felt cold and numb. He brought one hand up to smack the object out of Newt's hand before he had a chance to pull the trigger.

"No! Newt I am not going to lose you!" The blackness coated his eyes again as he leaned in and snapped at Thomas. He reacted quickly and brought his hands up and shoved them into his shoulders, to hold him up off of him.

He continued to growl and snap at the boy and Thomas was beginning to lose the strength he had his in arms from how much effort he had to put into holding the boy back.

Another loud yell erupted from deep within Newt as he slid one of his hands down to the pockets on his pants again. This time he pulled a knife out and attempted to ram it into Thomas. He had missed as Thomas moved out of his way. He brought his knees up and tucked them against Newt's chest before straining his muscles to throw him over top of him. He heard the sound of Newt hitting the ground as he quickly stood up onto his feet.

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