Alternate Ending⭐Kirisuna⭐

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"No! You can't die! Not until you buy me a meal on the other side!" I looked back over my shoulder and saw Klein on his stomach with tears running down his face.

"Don't worry, I will. Also Agil, I knew what you were doing with your shop." He looked like someone had just slapped him.

"Wai- what? How did you know?" I ignored his question and let my eyes run back over to where Asuna lay. She was able to move over into her side as if trying to crawl over to stop me. I had so many things to say to her but I didn't know how. I didn't know how to tell her all of the things in such a short amount of time. All I could do was lift my hand up to wave as I smiled at her. Tears pricked at my eyes but I quickly blinked them away and turned away from her.

"Kirito!" My heart tightened as I bit my lips. I walked up infront of Heathcliff and stopped. A thought ran through my mind as I realized what would happen if I died.

"Before we do this, can I make a request?" A smirk pulled at his lips as he turned his head and scrunched his nose.

"Of course." I swallowed hard and took a deep breath before speaking.

"I don't plan to go down easily but, if I do die. Can you see to it that, even just for a while, Asuna can't kill herself." His eyes seemed to bulge out of his head at such a strange request. I  wasn't ashamed of it though. I don't want her to die here in this world.

"Kirito no! Why would you- Kirito!" I tried hard to ignore her screams as I reached behind my back and pulled out my swords.

"I guess I could do that." I nodded and went to say thank you but stopped myself. There isn't a reason to thank him. After all, he is the reason we are trapped in this technology hell. I watched as he removed his extra barrier and dropped his health down so that it was the same as mine. I tightened my grip and stared him down as he pulled his own sword out. I knew he created this game so he knew all the combos. I would have to fight with my own strength rather than the system.

Neither one of us even brought up the duel request. We knew this wasn't part of the game it was actual life or death. I took one final deep breath before charging towards him.

I swung my right sword at him and it rattled off of his shield. I reacted fast and swung my other hand at him. He turned and quickly blocked that hit as well. I kept going though. I alternated every hit and swung as fast as I could. At one point I jumped back from him, barely missing the hit he threw at me. I landed a little ways back and stood still, trying to catch my breath. He ended up smirking before running towards me. At just the right time I jumped out of the way.

When I landed back down he stood between Asuna and I. I made the mistake to look over at her. She was trying to push herself to her feet but because of the paralysis potion she was stuck. When she glanced up and saw me looking at her she began yelling at me to fight. I looked forward again and tried to move out of the way as Heathcliff swung at me. He got only got my cheek but it was enough to make my health drop. I tightened my fists and yelled out as I jumped at him. I began swinging as hard and as fast as I could. He eventually pushed me away.

As soon as I regained my balance I ran back towards him. I began swinging again and before I knew it I had slipped into a combo. As soon as it happened I knew he had won. Because once you finish it you are stuck for a couple seconds before you can move again. So when I stop, he will be able to strike and there won't be anything I can do.

"I'm so sorry, Asuna. Sachi."

Just as I reached the final hit I swung hard at his shield. As soon as contact was made there was a loud crack noise. I gasped and watched as a piece of my left sword flew through the air until it disappeared. My feet touched the ground and I stood in disbelief as the rest of it went away as well. I now stood frozen with only one sword.

"Goodbye, Kirito." I looked up in time to see him charge his attack. It fell down onto me striking me in the chest. It stung and made my whole body go numb. All at once, I lost feeling to every limb.

"No!" My mouth hung open unable to close but I forced my head to turn and see Asuna. She was forcing herself to her feet and willing her legs to run over. She went to hit him but he easily blocked it and made her drop her sword and fall back down onto her butt. I finally got my mouth to move as I got over the shock of what happened.

"I love you, Asuna." She pushed herself to her feet and tried to shove a healing potion into my mouth but didn't get to me in time. I smiled at her as my eyes closed. Suddenly, my brain felt like it had been stuck with lightening and I lost all consciousness. 

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