All Leading Up To You ⭐Yatori⭐

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A hundred thousand years
Times by infinity
Add that onto heartache and pain,
I've lived that long.

Living a life in sadness,
Living in solitude and dusk.
Getting by on five yen
Every ten thousand years.

Phantoms ate away at my soul
Desperation broke apart my sanity.
Yet another left my side
Sleeping alone outside tonight.

Arms I've never felt,
Kisses I've never dealt,
All for nothing.
All because I couldn't bear it.

My heart aches for home
A place I don't feel exists.
A place I may never know.
Until the day Milord made an appearance.

I walked by the
Brown haired,
Pink eyed girl.

Her skin pale as mine,
Eyes pink like flowers,
Hands gently pretending to grasp air.
Height slightly less than mine.

She saw me.
She watched me.
She pushed me.
She saved me.

My world changed
Because she came into it.
Suddenly all those years
Became worth it.

All the loneliness,
Was leading up to meeting her.

Random (Probably Gay) One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora