I Fell Too

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It isn't that I'm clumsy or anything. It is just that the tables are always in my way and the chairs like to trip me. Also, gravity always seems to press on me more when I am making my way down a hill. My parents would laugh and call me "Graceless Gwendolyn" and my friends would giggle and nag me about how no one will like a girl who can't keep her feet under her. I would join in and make fun of my nonexistent ability to walk properly but, there is a part of me that believes them.

Every day on my way to school I would try harder and harder to walk with one foot in front of the other. Left over right then right over left and repeat. I would make sure to stretch far enough to miss the spots on the cement with uneven flooring or cracks. My shoes were plain converse, not even a heel, yet I still found myself stumbling over my feet every day. I blame the fact that my right leg is two inches shorter than my left.

When I finally reach my school I pay extra attention to my surroundings to make sure I don't trip or run into anything. My best friend, Nala came running up to me. Her hair was platinum blonde with pink streaks through it. Her green eyes shined brightly at me. My looks were very different with my frizzy black hair and boring brown eyes. Her skin was flawless while I have a couple freckles here and there.

"Hey, girl!" She smiled and threw her arm over my shoulder as we turned to the main building. I smiled at her enthusiasm at eight in the morning.

"Hey, anything new happen so far today?" She shrugged as we made our way up the steps. I heard her talking again but I didn't listen. I figured focusing on my feet while going up steps was far more important than hearing about the latest drama. Even though I tried my hardest, I fell on the seventh step out of fifteen. Nala immediately dropped down next to me and put her hands on my arm to try and help balance me.

"Whoa are you alright?" I sighed and nodded while getting back up to my feet. No one would like a girl who can't even make it up fifteen steps without falling.

"Yea I'm good. Thanks." As we started our journey down the hall to our first class I actually payed attention to what she was saying this time. I might as well since focusing on what I am doing doesn't seem to help my balance. We finally arrived to the classroom and as soon as I stepped in I kicked the side of a desk and toppled over. Luckily, I had been able to reach over to grab onto the desk next to me before I hit the ground. I blushed furiously as everyone's heads turned to see what the commotion was. I stood up as fast as I could and rubbed my now sweaty hands on my pants before sliding into my seat. I pulled out my notebooks and textbook from my bag and sat them on the desk as I waited for the teacher to arrive.

Soon enough Mr. Leo stepped into the room and told everyone to quiet down. The students that had been standing moved to their seats to sit down. Mr. Leo clapped his hands together and turned to the board before spinning back around. His eyes scanned over the people before he nodded his head.

"Okay we have a new student that started today. He doesn't seem to be here yet so let's just get started with the lesson." I inwardly sighed and picked up my pencil to get ready for all the notes he always has us take. After about fifteen minutes a knock came from the door so he stopped teaching and looked over.

"Come in!" He yelled loudly, causing me to jump. In the process of jumping I had accidentally dropped my pencil. I watched as it rolled on the floor and I wondered if it was even worth it to pick it up. In the end, I reached over and plucked it up. When I was upright in my seat again the principal was stood in the front of the class room with a boy stood next to her. He had dark red hair and brown eyes. I sat back in my seat and listened as the principal talked with the teacher. I get that sometimes you have to move for one reason or another but it is pretty stupid to move to a brand new school when we are graduating in less than three months. Soon enough the principal left and the boy smiled at everyone.

"Well, go ahead and introduce yourself." Mr. Leo encouraged him. His face lit up as he looked over at everyone.

"Uh, hi. My name is Eloy. I uh, like winter and the rain." He nodded as if confirming his words as his face turned a deeper shade of red. He looked around the room and then to the teacher. He pointed his fingers up and waved them around. "So... where do I sit?" I giggled slightly at how nervous he was. If I was in his place I would've been doing a worse job at an introduction speech than him. Mr. Leo looked around the room before pointing to an empty seat, three behind me.

"Over there. Behind Jana." He nodded and started walking over. As he walked past me he had glanced down. I caught his eye and smiled, he smiled back for a moment before his face turned to a look of distress. I watched as he got caught on a chair and it tugged his foot out from under him. He hit the ground with a thud as I gasped and slid out of my seat to bend down next to him.

"Whoa, are you alright?" He sat up laughing and let out a long sigh.

"Yea that isn't the first time something like that has happened to me." I chuckled at his words as we both stood back up. I got into my seat as he went back to his. I looked up at the board as I felt my face beginning to heat up. Suddenly, taking notes seemed impossible.

Three hours later and I am now sat in the cafeteria with Nala on one side of me and Lance on the other. The two constantly argued about things that didn't even matter. Such as today for example, Lance is complaining because apparently Nala didn't get him any ketchup for his fries. Yesterday Nala was complaining because he had dropped the slightest bit of water on her brand new skirt. Every day I would sit and listen to their arguing until I got annoyed and would flick their foreheads to get them to stop. Today I didn't pay attention to them very much because I was sat watching the entrance to the cafeteria. I waited and waited until Nala finally realized that I was watching for someone. She leaned over and rested her chin on my shoulder.

"Who are we looking for?" She whispered.

"No one, why- why would you ask me that?" I stuttered as my face turned a light shade of pink. I knew she wasn't going to let this go but I just feel like Eloy should sit with someone at lunch so that he doesn't get left out.

"No you are waiting for someone. Perhaps a crush?" I sighed as Lance reached over and grabbed a hold of my shoulder, shaking me.

"Oh my cows potatoes! Our little Gwen has a crush?" I sighed heavily and glanced back over to the door. Just at that moment the person I had been waiting for walked into the cafeteria. Well, he tried. Since there is a pole between the two doors he got stopped at that for a moment when he tried to step in. He had moved away and looked up at it for a moment before laughing at himself and going around it. I smiled at the fact that he laughs it off. I removed Lance's hold of me as I stepped out of the seat. I stumbled for a moment before regaining my balance and walking through the crowds of people. I was just about to him when I stepped on something and I was suddenly not touching the floor anymore. I waited to hit the ground but the contact never happened. Instead I landed on top of someone. I turned my head up to see that I was laying on top of Eloy who was chuckling at the two of us. Everyone in the cafeteria continued to go on about their business not even caring that there was two students on the ground.

"I tried to catch you but, well, I fell." I smiled widely and for the first time, laughed at my clumsiness instead of scolding myself for it. I stood up and reached my hand down to him. He took it as I helped him back to his feet.

"Don't worry, I fell too." 

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