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I feel fragile today.
Like anything could break me.
A simple touch
Or a single word.
No matter what it is,
I will tumble down.
In a fit of silent sobs and;

I feel fragile today.
Like I am made out of glass,
Glass that has already been shattered.
If a gust of wind were to pass by me,
I think I may fall over.
Or perhaps,
Get swept far away from here.
As if I were a leaf.
A leaf,
That is just as fragile
As I.

I feel numb today.
Like my fingers are tingally,
Rather than shaky.
My head hurts,
But I can't tell.
I can't tell that my knee has,
Once again,
Popped out of place,
Or that my ear is constantly ringing.
I can't feel that my chest is in pain,
Or the tears welling up in my eyes.
I feel physically numb today.
But emotionally,
Every little fucking thing aches.

I hurt so much today.
My skin is like sandpaper,
Hair like needles,
Eyes sore and puffy.
I have broken into even more pieces,
If it were even possible.
I am so dehydrated and sad,
Horribly and achingly sorrowful,
So unhappy and pained,
That even depression itself,
Has left me behind.

I feel fragile today.
Like every person in the world,
Is made of iron and steel,
While I am glass and porcelain.
Such an ancient artifact,
That no one wants to touch me.
No one wants to touch me.
No one,
Wants me.

My body,
My mind,
Is broken.
I can't.
I'm screaming.
My skin,
Is rough.

Saw through my glass.
They tore away the curtains.
Threw away the unneeded broken pieces,
That I thought,
Were oh so important.
And pulled me close.
He gave me,
The extras that he had,
To fill up my empty spaces.
My seemingly sandpaper skin,
Was smooth to him.
My mind,
He said,
Was beautiful.
He could tell,
By the words I spoke,
And the papers I wrote.
He said he always finds a piece of me,
In everything I create.

I feel,
Someone finally,
By some chance,
Cares about,

But how could he?
How could he care about me,
When I destroy myself.
And call myself disgusting names,
And threaten to kill myself,
At the second of me failing anything.
How can he kiss my lips,
That are apart of the same body,
That tried to rot itself away into nothing.
How can he say he loves me,
When I can't bring myself to,
How can he be so ecstatic.
How can he,
How can someone so happy,
For someone so,

I feel fragile today.
I feel numb today.
I feel dead today.
I feel disgusting today.
I feel horrible today.
I feel stupid today.
I feel ugly today.
I feel useless today.
I feel bad today.
I feel sick today.
I feel hurt today.
I feel fat today.
I feel mean today.
I feel rude today.
I feel talentless today.
I feel today.
I feel today.
I feel today.
I feel today.

I feel;


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