Saving You ⭐Nalu⭐

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This is my own version of THAT part in the Tartaros Arc.

"No Lucy don't do it!" I slowly brought my hand up in front of me as my whole body shook.


"Lucy!" A thud was heard as Natsu got knocked down. He tried to reach up to hit the enemy but the enemy had stepped down on his wrist and pinched it to the ground.

"Gate of the-"

"Princess, please don't open another gate."

"Ms. Lucy you are low on magic! You can't do this!" I ignored Virgo and Capricorn. I have to save Natsu no matter what. He has always been there for me and now it is my turn to be there for him.

"Lion: Leo."


"Ms. Lucy!" A loud noise was heard as the door opened. Loke appeared in front of me and leaned over to catch me before I had fallen over.

"Why did you do that? You don't have enough energy left to hold three gates open. You need to close one." I was gently laid down on the ground as I tried to ignore the pain in my body. I know I can't have three open long but we have to save Natsu.

I reached my hand up to try and tap Loke's shoulder or arm.

"Please, save Natsu." He nodded and stood up. Capricorn was still fighting as was Virgo. Natsu was now close to being unconscious. Gray was already knocked out and Erza had gone with Juvia and Levy to try to find Gajeel and Wendy. Happy flew over to me and stood next to me.

"Please Lucy close a gate. You can't have three!" I looked up at Capricorn and saw him getting beat badly. Virgo was still doing well enough to hold her own. Loke was trying his hardest to get to the guy keeping Natsu down but yet another enemy jumped in. I put my hands on the ground next to my hips and pushed myself up. Pain ripped through my body as every muscle felt like it was being enveloped in flames.

"I have to save him." I slowly stood on my feet and tried to balance myself out.

"Princess, what are you doing?" I ignored Virgo as my bangs fell down in front of my face. There is no way I will ever let them hurt Natsu.

"Happy, fly me over to him." He used his magic to fly up next to me but he didn't lift me.

"But Lu-" I turned to him as tears started rolling down my cheeks.

"Just do it!" He quickly wrapped his tail around my stomach and lifted me in the air. He flew me over top of Loke and the guy he was fighting and stopped me next to a captive Natsu. Blood was falling from his face as his eyes bounced around. I reached for the whip that was on the side of my belt and pulled it out. Suddenly Virgo was at my side.

"Don't you dare touch him." I used all my strength to get the whip to wrap around the enemy. I tried to pull him off of Natsu but I didn't have enough strength. Virgo reached over and took it from my hands. In one motion the guy was off of him and smacked against the wall. I smiled seeing that he was finally off of Natsu but frowned when seeing all the damage that was done.

"Thank yo-" I fell down on top of Natsu and buried my face into his chest. I didn't have enough strength to stand anymore.

"Lucy!" Loke called out as the guy tore himself from the wall and lunged for me. Virgo had jumped in the way and got sliced from one shoulder to the other.

"I'm sorry I failed you, princess." I shook my head wanting to tell her she did amazing but I didn't have it in me.

She vanished making the burning sensation in me become a little more bearable. Capricorn had punched his foe as hard as he could before running over to help us. I felt Happy trying to hide in between Natsu and I.

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