“What, killing my mate and taking over his pack isn’t enough?” I screech straitening off the wall in a feeble attempt to show him he isn’t my Alpha and has no control over me. “You have to go and kill my family too?!”

Even though I expect it, even though I can see it coming, it’s still a shock as my head is whipped around from the blow. The painful crunch, as the back of his hand glides across the side of my face doesn’t hurt any less the second time.

“I warned you sweetheart.” He has the gull to look apologetic. “I told you to listen to me. I told you to accept us.” He tells me, frowning and reaching to cup my chin. “I specifically told you never to say his name again.” His grip on my chin tightens with his anger. “Your mine. You will be mine.” He crushes his lips to mine possessively, angrily, forcefully, but I am numb. I close my eyes and imagine Austin’s tender loving lips pressed against mine and his gentle way he cups my neck keeping me pressed to him and wrapped in his warmth.

Jeremy finally releases me, wiping the back of his hand across his mouth, a sinister grin maiming his lips. His eyes have gone pitch black with his wolf so close to the surface. He’s standing now backing towards the door, his eyes never leaving mine.

I know its stupid. I know I will live to regret it but I can’t just sit here tied up and do nothing. Jeremy is leaving to go hurt my mate and my family and I have to do something.

“I won’t. I’ll never accept you. You’re not my mate. I love Austin. You wont succeed. You will never be an Alpha, Jeremy, and I will never be yours.”

My only warning is his feral snarl and then before I can blink he’s on me. His mouth clamps onto my neck, where it meets my throat. He’s trying to mark me. I feel his canines extend and my scream of utter blinding pain bounces off the walls.

It probably only lasts a minute at most, but it feels like hours before he releases me. I see my blood dripping from his mouth and chin and feel it pouring down my neck and shoulder from the fresh wound. His eyes are the darkest I’ve seen them and I know he’s seconds from shifting.

“Now your mine and there’s nothing you can do about it.” I hear his cold detached voice but feel my eyes begin to droop. “I’m going to go tear your little Austin apart.” He growls out Austin’s name, but his voice seems to be slowly fading away. “Him and his pack will fall right into our trap. Then your poor little family will be next.” He says something about a trap, Austin’s pack, and my family but my eyes won’t open and his voice is muffed and distant.

The metallic smell of blood overwhelms my senses and the last thing I hear is a door slam.

Then the darkness overcomes me.

Austin’s POV

Camille has been missing for countless hours. Almost a full day now. No one needs to tell me because I know I’m a disaster. I haven’t eaten or slept or stopped looking for her. I’ve tracked her scent from the bathroom window all the way to the forested area but then the bastards get smart and begin to cover there scents. There were two male wolves that took her and I recognize neither one of the scents. I have my best trackers out looking for her, and the last time they came to update me they still had nothing.

“Austin honey, please eat something.” My mom’s worried voice interrupts my pacing. I look over at her and take in her tight eyes with bags underneath from lack of sleep and constant fretting.

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