Why didn't We Listen?

Start from the beginning

Lillian spun around and stood beside Aang who seemed terrified, "Hello handsome! Your back! uh... Welcome back." Lillian placed her hands behind her, "So? How much training was actually done??" Zuko asked standing infront of Aang and Lillian, "Enough to deserve a quick swim." Lillian laughed nervously, "Oh really?" Zuko smirked, "Uh, sorry to interuppt, but where is Katara?" Aang asked. Zuko's face fell serious, "She's with Sokka... She, she didn't kill him so you can relax...but she needs to talk to Sokka about what happened so You should wait until she come's to you." Zuko suggested. Aang's face fell slightly, "okay" Lillian patted Aang on his back, "Would you excuse Lillian and I for a moment?" Zuko said towards Aang who nodded slowly and walked over to Appa. Lillian watched as Zuko stalked towards her, "You know, now is not the time to be fooling around Lilly... the comet is only 4 weeks away... We need to make sure Aang is ready." Zuko said as calmly as he could. Lillian sighed, "Yeah, I know... It's just that he's been so stressed, he's just a kid Zuko... He has the whole world on his shoulder." Lillian said turning to watch Aang play with Momo laughing carelessly. Zuko placed his arm around Lillian's shoulder's, "I know...We'll continue our training later." Zuko kissed the top of Lillian's head.

Katara had warmed up to Zuko and told everyone that she had forgiven him, "You've really proved yourself Zuko. Thank you." Katara said hugging him. Katara then walked over to Lillian and gave her a hug too, "I'm sorry if I was full of nonsense..." Lillian grinned, "You!? Never!" The two girls burst out into laughter, "Zuko's a really nice guy... and he really cares about you." Katara smiled at her friend. Lillian looked over her shoulder at Zuko who was petting Kasai causing him to roll over to expose his belly but he rolled right on top of Sokka, "ZUKO!" Sokka cried but Zuko looked side to side and winked at Kasai before walking away, "I care about him too..." Lillian smiled lovingly. 

Kasai suddenly stood sniffed the air. Sokka rolled away groaning, "Stupid cat." Everyone was laughing except Lillian. Kasai stalked slowly around sniffing the ground and then the air, "What is it boy?" Lillian asked as she walked towards Kasai, 'We need to leave... NOW!' Kasai growled in Lillian's mind. Zuko felt the hair on his arms stand up, "EVERYBODY!" 

"MOVE!!!" Lillian yelled as a powerful strike of lightning rushed towards them. Zuko and Lillian stood side by side as they both caught the powerful amount of electricity, "Zuko! Lillian!" Aang called from behind them as they saddled up Appa and Kasai, "Now Zuko!" Lillian ordered as the Slayer came into view. Lillian and Zuko both took and firm stance and redirected the lightning at the Slayer who dodged the attack in a flash, "That earth prison, wasn't enough to hold me but only to increase my determination to kill you!" 

Lillian ran towards Aang pulling Zuko behind her, "Leave now!" Lillian yelled removing 2 silver feathers from Kasai's saddle, "No matter what. Keeping going!" Lillian yelled as she ignited the two feathers and dropped them on the grass, "What are you doing!?" Zuko growled pulling Lillian towards him, "You need to go, I will hold him off as long as I can, I can't protect you all. He will use you to get to me! GO!" Lillian pulled free but Aang stopped her, "We are a family now Lillian, We look out for each other." Aang said determined. Lillian looked over everyone's faces, "If we stopped him once, we can do it again!" Sokka cheered gaining a nod from Suki and Zuko. Lillian's shoulder's fell... "You don't understand... He is not like the others... He is worse than Ozai." Lillian's bottom lip trembled, "Please... go." Lillian stepped back and took off towards the Slayer who hovered over the ocean.

Sokka looked over at Zuko who gritted his teeth, "What do we do?" Suki asked as she worried for her new friend, "We stay and we fight beside her." Aang said opening his glider, "Toph, Sokka and Suki. You need to stay here and use your earth and metal bending. Sokka, you tell Toph where to bend and prepare cover if we need it. Suki if you can land any pressure hits... Don't hesitate." Aang ordered. Sokka nodded and took off with Suki and Toph, "Katara, you and Zuko will take Appa to the sky and try to keep him as low to the water as you can so that we can have an advantage. Zuko, whatever you did with the lightning, do it again if he tries to shoot at anyone of us." Aang said. Kasai suddenly stood firm before Aang staring deep into his eyes, "Looks like he isn't happy?" Katara suggested as she mounted Appa. Kasai began growling at Aang...

'Listen Aavatar.....'

Aang's eyes widened, "What did you just say?" 

'Listen to the girl Avatara... You all must leave!' Kasai repeated.

Aang growled, "great, now a spirit tries to help!"

'I am a spirit more powerful than you can imagine! Now call your friends and do as Lillian has told you!' Kasai said as he roared.

Aang stpped back, "No. My friend needs me!" Aang took off with his glider.

'FOOLISH BOY!' Kasai growled.

It sounded as thunder each time Lillian and the slayer made contact during their battle. Lillian attacked with all her force, one blow after the other each time striking the Slayer hard! Lillian flew straight into the Slayer's stomach and slamming him into the side of the cliff. The Slayer formed a large fist and pounded Lillian in the middle of her spine causing her to fall, "Is that all you've got!?" The Slayer taunted. Lillian flew up and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, "Nope, still got a few tricks up my sleeve!" Lillian called back. Suddenly a large boulder hit the Slayer at the back of his head, "YES! Team Aavatar 1 Crazy giant 0!" Sokka's voice called. Lillian's eyes widened as Appa flew between them, Katara extended a water whip and striked the Slayer across his chest. Zuko followed with a large and powerful fire blast and Then Aang came in flinging him back against the cliff, "Aggh, who dares interfere in my battle?" The Slayer growls looking around. Sokka's face fell When the slayer hovered in his direction, "Oh no..." Sokka's eyes widened as The slayer formed two large green flames in his hands, "Sokka! MOVE!" Aang yelled flying around Suki and Toph shielding them. Lillian flew in front of the slayer and took hold of his hands in her absorbing his fire, "what!? Impossible!" The slayer couldn't believe Lillian's ability to take all his fire into her body, "Believe it!" Lillian said before taking a deep breath and releasing a large firery breath upon his face and chest. The Slayer released Lillian's hands and stumbled back, "You bitch!" growled the slayer. Smirking at her accomplishment Lillian let her guard down, "You messed with the wrong princess!" Lillian said forming lightning at the tip of her fingers, "Time to end this!" Lillian released the bolt at him but to her surprise... he dodged it again but in the distance she saw two familiar pair of wings glistening in the distance, "Finally..." Lillian smiled... When Lillian's focus returned she realized that the Slayer was retreating? 

"No..." Lillian gasped as she noticed him not retreating but flashing towards Appa forming a large surge of lightning... "NO!!!" Lillian screamed flying after him, "ZUKO! KATARA!" Lillian cried but it was too late, he was about to release his lightning at Appa. Without second thought Lillian used her bending to increase her speed and shoved Appa out of the way but at a price...

The lightning crashed into Lillian's body. Lillian's piercing scream filled the air as her body shook violently at the electricity running through her body, 



Helloooo love rivals!

I hope I didn't keep you waiting. Please vote and comment and let me know what you thought about this chapter!

Hope to update soon.

Darkninja out!

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