I just laughed along with him as I looked into his eyes. They were so green. How on earth are someone's eyes so shiny and beautiful?

I leant forward to kiss him but he gasped and leaned away.

"Don't squish the marshmallows!" he exclaimed in a whispered voice.

I rolled my eyes at him and leaned in again, this time only to peck him, careful of the marshmallows before attaching our hands and going to back to the fire.

"...his pants were soaking wet and he stood up right as Lou walked in and" Niall stopped talking as soon as he saw us. "Oh, hey guys."

"Are we still on that?" Harry complained as I pulled him down into my lap, making him giggle as I kissed his neck.

"Yes, we are. Because it was hilarious and deserves to be heard." Niall replied.

"Anyway," he continued. "He stood up and Lou came into the room, saw him, tried not to laugh and ran from the room when he failed."

"I remember that!" Gemma chimed in before she looked at me. "That was one of the first times you came over and met my family! God, I was so embarrassed!"

I felt Harry shrink back against me after Gemma's comment.

"It was my drink!" Harry clarlifed, opening the packet of marshmallows and taking two for us before passing the bag onto Zayn. "I swear, I spilled my drink." He added in a much softer voice.

"It's okay, Harry." I reassured him, stroking his leg lightly as I laughed. "I believe you."

He huffed as he put the two marshmallows onto the end of a stick and held it over the fire.

"Yeah, yeah, Harry." Niall retorted, making Harry lean back on me and further curl in on himself. "Whatever you say." He got quieter as Niall continued and I knew something was wrong.

"Pass the marshmallows, would you?" Niall asked Zayn who put one straight into his boyfriend's mouth.

"Tshmancks." He replied, his mouth full, making Zayn laugh and start another conversation.

"Hey Harry, you okay." I whispered in his ear while the others kept talking.

"Uh huh." He replied, cuddling into my shoulder as I stroked his back.

"You sure?" I asked, unconvinced. I know it had only been a few days, but this whole camping trip as brought me so close with that boy that I felt like I knew him. And I knew when he was and wasn't okay.

He wasn't okay.

"Uh huh," he answered again. I was still unconvinced. I sighed and kissed the top of his head.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I suggested, thinking that he could really get it off his chest and it would make him feel better.

"Uh huh," He nodded against my chest and we stood up.

"Hey guys," I announced, feeling Harry thread his fingers through mine. "We're gonna go for a walk."

They collectively said 'okay' before we turned and made our way into the woods.

"I'm just gonna grab a torch, okay?" I told Harry before ducking into my tent and grabbing the torch from my bag.

We walked a little way into the woods, far enough so they wouldn't hear us and we had some privacy but not too far so that we couldn't find our way back in the dark.

Once Harry was okay with the spot we'd found he stopped. We were in a small, grassy clearing surrounded by trees.

As soon as he stopped, Harry turned around and latched himself onto my waist. My heart immediately went out to him and I hugged him back just as tightly.

"Harry, sh. It's okay." I cooed, making him hold me even closer. "What's the matter?"

Just 5 minutes ago I was calling him sweetums and we were joking about all those stupid memories...


The story.

It must have been something to do with that whole debacle that set him off.

"Harry, was it something to do with Niall and that stupid story? I told you, I don't care about that-"

"No, its just..." He stood up straight and kept his hands on my chest while I kept mine around his waist as he trailed off.

"Harry," I reasoned. "Niall's an idiot. Don't worry about him."

"It wasn't Niall," Harry admitted in a small voice, so small I almost couldn't hear him.


He sighed. "I wasn't Niall." He repeated, then hesitated. "Are you embarrassed of me?" he asked.

I was genuinely taken aback.

"What? Of course not!" I exclaimed.

"R-Really? It's just that... after hearing that whole story again, it just made me t-think... and then Gem said that she was embarrassed of me... I j-just thought that maybe... maybe, you were too..." he explained.

"Oh Harry," I sighed. "No, I'm not embarrassed of you. Gemma's an idiot if she is, because you are amazing. There is nothing to be ashamed of. And besides, I know it was a drink you spilled because I saw you from the hallway."

That made him laugh as he sniffled.

"You feeling better?" I asked and he nodded, smiling.

"Good," I replied. "Now let's head back"

"Yeah, let's go." He said with a small smile.

I stood up and reached out a hand to help him up too. He gladly took it and wrapped an arm around my waist as we turned to walk back through the woods and to the campsite.

I quickly ducked down and grabbed my torch and the dirty t-shirt before putting my arm around his shoulders and walking away.

He smiled into my shoulder and i kissed the top of his head affectionately as we went, both of us much happier than we were earlier.

As we went, I couldn't help but think about how much Harry meant to me and how devastated I would be if he ever left my life.

Is that what love is?

I don't know...

A Weekend Away // l.s.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें