Chapter 51

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I'm walking down the isle in a church, alone. Nobody sits or stands on either side of the isle, even Jim isn't in my view.

My dress slowly starts turning black from the bottom, and up. I gasp and stop as I look down at the color change. The black is up to my waistline now, but it stops as I do.

Dumbfounded, I start moving backwards, up the isle. The dress turns white again. I look back up the isle, waiting for someone to explain the trick in this.

But all of the sudden, the isle starts moving toward me. I try to move out of the way, but I'm stuck now. Meanwhile, the alter at the end if the isle is quickly accelerating.

As it hits me, I feel nothing, but everything is black for a long time


Reality: (seven days later)

I gasp, waking from what seemed like a two minute nap. But as I look around, I notice I'm not on the ship anymore, and I feel something moving on my face. I feel around; it's an oxygen mask.

I suddenly notice something: I feel terrible. Like I did before I fell asleep on the ship, only now I'm really warm, and kind of sweaty, actually.

I frantically look around at the blank room. The gray walls remind me of Jim's eyes.

Hey. Where is Jim? Where am I?

I lean up, and a Cyclopes woman rushes in the room. She's wearing a mask to hide her face, and she takes my shoulders, making me lay down again.

I question who she is and where I am. She just introduces herself as "nurse" and says I'm on the Montressor Spaceport.

Then I start demanding to see Jim, and she stays calm as she says I can't. But she never gives a reason.

What is so wrong with me? How sick am I?

Jim and Saytee (Treasure Planet fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now