Chapter 46

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I leaned up in bed and moaned. My whole body felt numb and I had the worst headache ever. I got out of bed, and literally fell right to the ground, like my legs were jelly. I moaned again.

"Saytee," Jim said concerned. I hadn't realized he was there with me in the darkness of the room. He reached down and touched my bare waist.

Oh my god, I'm naked too?!

Pulling me back up on the bed, he covered me back up. My eyes adjusted, and I noticed me was watching me. I stared right back.

"It sucks, doesn't it?" He asked, smiling. He was referring to the hangover. I nodded, rubbing my aching forehead. "It didn't for me," he quickly commented, and I punched his shoulder, smiling though. He reacted by pinning my one arm to my side and pulling me in for a kiss. I let him do it.

As we pulled away, we leaned against each other's foreheads, our lips still just inches away. I moved my arm up to his shoulder, holding him to me.

Suddenly I heard a loud BANG; much too loud and deep to be a gunshot, and flinched. Jim leaned up, listening again. As another shot was fired, another bang came on the door. Someone knocking.

"Captain! We're under strike!" Someone of the crew yelled. Jim jumped out of the bed and quickly got dressed, equipping himself also with as many weapons he could carry.

I threw on his shirt off the floor and ran to the curtains of the room, casting them aside. Under strike was right! I gasped, seeing a huge fleet ship firing cannons at us.

Aw, come on! The day after my engagement! What do these guys want?!

Jim pulled me away from the window, throwing the curtains closed again. He pinned me against the wall. "Saytee, stay here and don't open the door for anyone, do you understand?" He said frantically.

I nodded slowly, and he gave me a deep kiss before running to the door, slamming it shut behind him. I tip- toed to the window, peeking out only a little this time. I didn't want to risk being seen.

I overlooked the opposing ship. This had to have been pirates...

I suddenly felt the boat shake, and I knew we'd been hit. I toppled over, wincing as my bare knees hit the wood floors. I got up and ran to the door of the room, now worried for the safety of everyone above deck.

That ship was much bigger than ours, its forces had to have been stronger. If they wanted something from us, they'd get it. And they would kill anyone they had to, as well.

I bit my thumbnail as I argued with myself on whether I should go up or not...Jim told me not to, he just wants me safe. But I want him safe, too.

I turned and looked around the room. "Morph!" I called, glancing around. "Morph, buddy, I know you're here. Come here, I need your help." I begged.

He's always here, he disguises himself to hide from Jim and I. Sure enough, a picture on the desk moved, and he revealed himself. I was happy to see him too.

Wearing Jim's shirt, you couldn't really see my girlish figure. All I needed now was to hide my hair. That way, the other ship wouldn't see me as a girl...or a piece of meat.

I instructed Morph to become a hat, and tucked it all up. Jim took most of the guns, there was only one left.

Oh well.

I took whatever I could find and ran up the stairs.

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