Chapter 44

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I woke up to something shaking me. My eyes were still closed, but I felt hard, cold fingers through the blanket.

Uhg, BEN.

I opened my eyes slowly, my vision blurry from sleep. I leaned up on my elbow. "Okay, okay." I said, and he stopped shaking me. He still was twitching excitedly.

Looking out the windows, I saw we were in the middle of space again. I guess I slept in pretty late.

I rubbed my eyes and asked, "What's the matter with you?" BEN grabbed his mouth as he started to speak, and I leaned fully up, waiting for him to blab something.

Suddenly Morph came flying in front of my face, holding a tiny box and smiling big, like he usually does. I had a hunch to what that could be, but I didn't have enough time to examine the box before BEN tore it away from Morph.

"We weren't supposed to tell her!" He exclaimed, hiding the box. My lips grew into a smile and I got out of the blankets, reaching to take the box from BEN. "Tell me what?" I inquired.

BEN gave up the box without a fight, and as I opened it, he held his mouth closed again.

Inside the box was exactly what I thought it was, a ring. But it was much more beautiful than I could have ever imagined, and my jaw dropped. "Where did he get this?" I asked.

BEN mumbled something, and I looked at him again, patiently waiting for him to crack and just tell me. And sure enough.

"Treasure planet. When Silver gave him a portion of his share. Jim saved the ring that had the most value...and he's been carrying it around ever since." He blabbed. I looked back down at the ring. Why all the sudden was BEN thinking this was meant for me? I gave him a skeptical look.

He ran to the wall and started pounding his head on it. "Oh I'm a terrible secret keeper!" He pouted, and I grinned again.

Now I was excited! Was Jim really going to propose to me?!

And speak of the devil!

Jim suddenly came in, and I quickly hid the ring under the pillow of the bed, laying up on my elbow again. Jim looked worried...

Like he'd lost something.

"Oh, you're awake." He observed. He looked to BEN and made a painfully obvious pleading look. I watched for a second as they had their silent conversation.

I couldn't help but laugh at them. "What's wrong, Jim?" I asked eagerly. He tore his gaze from BEN to me, knowing that I knew something. I smiled sweetly.

He told BEN to go above deck, and he quickly complied. He walked out like a shy dog, knowing he was in trouble.

Once the door closed, Jim turned to me again. "What do you know?" He asked with a smile. I shook my head, still unable to stop smiling. "I don't know anything..." I lied, and he saw it too.

He walked to me, leaning over me and caging me with his arms. I felt my face get warm, and I finally suppressed my smile as I stared into his eyes again.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him reach under the pillow and retrieve the box. He made a face that said "told you so," and he opened it up. I bit my lip, still smiling.

He took the ring out and took my hand. I held my breath as he slipped it on my finger without breaking eye contact with me.

Then he kissed my hand. That's when I kind of lost it. I started tearing up, and I threw my arms around his neck. He kissed my lips and lifted me off of the bed.

"I'll take that as a yes." He mentioned, and I laughed, actually kind of sobbing. He nuzzled my neck as he held me. "I love you." I said with a shaky voice. He tightened his grip around me, making it hard for me to breathe, but I didn't care.

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