Chapter 45

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Apparently the whole crew knew about this already, (BEN's fault) because they were bringing ale out and congratulating Saytee and I.

Saytee and I did share a drink, but I didn't think that she would want me getting drunk, so I stopped after that. To much surprise, she didn't. And she was getting a little loopy toward the end of the night.

There was music from some of the guys, so Saytee and I danced. The crew even joined in, dancing with each other. I guess they were pretty ready to have a celebration.

In all the madness, Saytee and I managed to slip away. The crew didn't even seem to notice. We went to the bow of the ship where nobody was. Only the stars illuminated the deck.

Saytee hopped on the edge and started walking on the rails. I was kind if concerned since she was so tipsy, and I tried convincing her to stay on the ground. Of course, she didn't listen. So I had to move in and grab her off the edge myself.

She was really giggly, and I couldn't help but think she was really adorable when she was drunk.

She walked to the edge again, but she didn't jump on it again, so I kept my distance. She looked down. "Whoa," she said as she spun around. "We are really high up." I laughed at her pointless commentary.

She watched above us at the stars, and when she looked back down at me, I saw her cheeks were turning pink as she smiled at me. "Hey, you're kinda cute." She giggled.

I laughed and stood in front of her, staring into her wide eyes. I knew that when I did this, it made her more nervous. Sure enough, she commented quickly. "Please don't look at me like that." She pleaded, sliding slightly away.

I moved my hands to the sides of her waist, closing her in so she couldn't move. I saw a hint of a wicked smile on her face as we both leaned in, our lips softly touching.

She leaned away for a moment, "Wait...wait..." She mumbled. "I think I this would be a good time to tell you this..." She paused for a long moment, and I actually got kind of worried in her silence.

"I'm engaged...." She finally confessed as she held her hand up, showing the ring. "I don't think..." She started, but I didn't listen.

Wow, she's so far gone.

I rolled my eyes, smiling, and grabbed her again, kissing her to shut her up.

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