Chapter 47

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What do these nimrods want?! Are we really the only ship out here for everybody to pick on?

I saw Jim come running from below deck, looking frantically around. The rest of the men weren't really in fighting shape since the night before was meant for celebration (drinking).

I could tell James was a bit hungover too, though. Overall, he was just worried about his fiancé, was my best guess.

He ran to me and asked for a status report. Truth be told, I didn't have one. I explained that they just came alongside us and started shooting.

Then, suddenly, I realized something. The flag on the ship. I recognized it from the stories Sarah and I used to read Jim when he was little....

But that was impossible...

"James," I mentioned, pointing to the flag. He tore his gaze from me to the top of their mast. He looked just as dumbfounded as I was.

"But...Flint is dead. I saw him on his own ship. The trove, treasure planet, it's all gone. How are they-" he started, then I cut him off. "Well it looks like Flint had some side-kicks, and it looks like they know us."

I saw someone (at first) unfamiliar come from the same place Jim did, and Jim spun around to look. It wasn't hard to tell that it was Saytee after I got a good look.

Jim cursed and ran to her, pushing her toward the room again. They were yelling at each other for a while, and I eventually had to turn away and monitor our attackers.

I suddenly saw that someone was aiming a real gun. I glanced frantically about, trying to see who or what the man was aiming at. Then I was at Jim.

I panicked, and Jim wasn't paying attention. I ran to him and shoved him out of the way right as I heard the word, "fire!"

Both of us tumbled to the deck, and I looked at him, thinking I was too late. But I felt a small pain in my side, and I looked down. Blood was spilling from my side. "Oh..." I sighed, "Thank god."

Thank god it was me and not him.

Jim leaned off the ground and looked at me, his jaw dropped. "Dad!" He yelled, running back to me.

I never thought if ever hear his say that to me again.

He looked at the wound in my side. "Hey, dad, you're fine. You're alright. Come on, get up." He told me. I wished I could comply. My vision was already starting to get blurry.

He said some other things, but I was losing consciousness. Jim saw this, and I saw traces of fear in his expressions.

I saw some men from the other ship start to swing over and board our own. James still didn't pay attention to them, and they started grabbing and restraining him and the rest if the crew.

"Dad! No! You can't leave me again! Get up!!" He yelled. The men pulled him farther to the other side of the ship, and I tried crawling after. But I was too weak, and a sting started to sink in. It weighed me down.

I watched as James tried one more time to get free, and this time the same man who'd aimed at him the first time pointed a gun to his head.

"PLEASE!" Jim shouted.

Apparently nobody from the opposing crew noticed the old man on the ground, and didn't see me as a threat. But it also wasn't until right then that I clenched my fists, realizing I was holding a gun.

I wasn't going to watch James get killed, I wouldn't let that be the last thing I was going to ever see.

In a last attempt to help my son, I aimed my shaky handgun at the man who threatened to shoot James. I pulled the trigger, and the last thing I saw was the man topple to the floor at the same time my hand did.

The rest of our crew seemed to snap into action, and the battle scene faded to pure white.

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