Chapter 13

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I lurched away quickly, my eyes wide at him. We just kissed.

Jim just kissed me!!

I just sat there, dumbfounded for a few seconds. I stared at him and his now straight expression, his gray eyes making me weak again.

I smiled and bit my lip, leaning in and kissing him again for real. My eyes involuntarily closed, and I saw stars as I felt his hand run through my hair, holding our heads together.

He started deepening the kiss, I could feel him tensing. It was like he was holding himself back, But I would have happily gone along with what he wanted...

If we wouldn't have been interrupted.

Something came crashing between us, knocking us apart. "WHAT IS THIS?!?!" BEN yelped.

His impact knocked us both over, and he laid in between us now. I leaned up on my arm, rubbing my head where I'd been hit with the dumb robot's metal body.

BEN shifted looks between us, waving his hands randomly. "What is this? What is this?" He said in a squeaky voice, like a person deprived of air. He repeated it over and over, until suddenly Morph flew in front of him and modeled the situation for him.

A tiny me. A tiny, shirtless Jim. First talking. Then kissing. And BEN went crazy again. "Oh emotion!?!" He yelled, sounding confused.

I rolled my eyes and got off the bed. Jim watched me, and when I met his gaze, we both smiled. While BEN had his tantrum, Jim got up with me. It wasn't until then that I noticed how short I was compared to him.

We were standing with my back toward the window, his almost against the wall. Without warning, he glanced behind me at the window, and I saw his face illuminate for a split second.

"Saytee, look out!" He yelled as he grabbed my hips and slammed me against the wall behind him. I felt sudden waves of heat, and heard shards of glass fly through the room.

BEN and Morph made their own scared noises, and I saw them quickly hide behind the bed.

I quickly looked at Jim, who was shielding me from the debris flying all over the room. What was happening?

He started pulling me towards the door, making sure anything that flew at us hit him before it hit me. I tried yelling at him, saying to stop trying so hard, because I could see he was getting pretty beat up. But he couldn't hear me over the loud events of the room.

BEN and Morph ran for the door, opening it for us. As we both climbed the stairs, I saw that the starry sky had been replaced with blood red and orange clouds. There was a hot wind, forcing my hair into my eyes. But I could most definitely see there was a big black void in the distance off the ship with yellow waves dispersing from it every few seconds.

Jim walked me to the mast and picked up a rope, tying it really tight around my waist. "Stay right here, hold onto the lifelines!" He yelled as he tied one on himself then turned and started shouting orders at the crew. "Don't tie down those sails!"

A bright wave exploded from the dark hole and hit the ship in a matter of seconds, knocking everyone off their feet, including Jim and I. He wasn't far away from me yet, and I landed at his feet.

Looking up at him, I noticed his back was really cut up and bloody. My jaw dropped at the sight. That was from him saving me.

He didn't look at me again. He jumped straight up and headed for the bow to make sure someone kept the wheel straight.

He told me to stay put, and I intended to heed his order. I rushed right back to the mast, holding tight to my lifeline. I looked around at what was causing all of this.

It didn't look like a black hole, so I didn't know what else it could have been. But someone suddenly yelled in the background, "SUPERNOVA!!!!" followed by Jim yelling several curse words.

I heard he'd had a run in with one of these before. He must have some sort of fear of them now, I know I certainly did. And I hadn't even been through one before.

I watched the corrupted star as it blasted more and more heat waves. When I turned to look for Jim, I saw he was at the wheel, struggling to keep it steady. BEN was right at his side, yelling calculations of when the next waves would hit.

As my head was turned, I didn't see the newest wave coming at us, and it had a killer punch. It knocked me on the ground again, but I kept sliding down the deck until I hit the edge of the ship.

Then everything went dark.

Jim and Saytee (Treasure Planet fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now