Chapter 50

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I'm concerned about Saytee. She's been sick for these past three days, and isn't showing signs getting any better. I don't know what's wrong with her!

Luckily, we'll be home within one more week. She can get treatment for whatever she has there. But for now, I'm taking care of her.

For most of the day, she'll be fine. It's mainly in the mornings and whenever you mention any kind of food around her that she loses it.

She keeps telling me that she can take care of herself, that she doesn't want me to see her like this. But she's forgetting we're going to be married soon. I mean it when I tell her "in sickness and in health."


That morning, Saytee hadn't woken up and gotten sick yet. She also wasn't tossing and turning all night, either. At first, I thought that could be a good sign. But that was before I felt her forehead. She was burning up.

I shook her lightly, saying her name. No response. After many more attempts of that, I even tried dumping cold water on her cheeks, and she didn't move.

Nobody on the ship is a doctor, but at least one member of the crew could recognize what she has. I wouldn't have considered letting them see her like this before today. I'm worried about her.


None of them could figure it out, either! All I can do now is wait with Saytee and make sure she's alright throughout the day.

And, make sure we get back to Montressor as soon as possible!

Jim and Saytee (Treasure Planet fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin