Chapter 24

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"So everything is in order then?" I asked Omar, regarding the ship. We'd gone down to the docks to see the workers and to give them instructions on what "dings" in the ship needed repairs.

"Oh yes. Should be done in two days or so." He estimated. I nodded and watched as the men started working.

Suddenly I had a thought. "How do you launch from here with the solar sails, if you guys don't get the sun's rays out here?" I asked curiously. Omar looked at me again and laughed. "We import it, of course." He said simply.

I kept a blank expression. Imported sunlight? I didn't think that was possible yet. "Here, I'll show you." said Omar as he walked down the dock and towards a little shed at the end if it.

"Every person here has an emergency sun." He explained, walking inside for a moment, then returning with a small, round, and very shiny circle on a chain. It literally was a small sun.

"Workers go to suns, and capture the rays, and bring it back. This little guy can last up to two hours when it's opened." He handed it to me, it was warm to the touch, like a sun would be. "We teach everyone to use them wisely, though. It is a dangerous job, and not very smart, according to other galaxies." He said, with a hint if anger.

I put the chain around my neck and his the light in my shirt. "So you developed the technology?" I tried to clarify. Omar laughed, heading back down the dock. "Oh no, the other Hawkins on the island did."

I stopped in my tracks. My father designed this? That's rather unbelievable, really. Omar looked back at me, apparently not seeing or minding that I looked depressed. "Come Mr.Hawkins, there is much I know you haven't seen on the island. I'll be your tour guide." He volunteered.

Oh, yippee.

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